Author: Jon Mollison

Coming Soon: More Karl Barber

Thank you everyone who purchased my first independently published short story, Hot Sun, Cold Fury.  The second title in the series is available…now. Pennies on a Scale follows Karl Barber on a planned expedition to a remote corner of Cambodia where he finds himself outnumbered, outgunned, and almost out...

Where You From, Baby?

My page view recently experienced a significant spike, due mainly to my review of a little thing called Cirsova.  Driven mainly by links from the Lead Editor, and Hugo Nominated author Jeffro Johnson*, it may be time for a quick, but more detailed introduction to Seagull Rising. This is...

Why We Can’t Have Nice Guy Things

Via Pulp-O-Mizer In an effort to get a better handle on what people think of the old Mens Adventure Magazines (not sure if capitalized), I’ve been poking around the social media scene and running the pulp searches on the search engines.  There are plenty of resources out there, the...

Grown Up Book Report: Free Speech Isn’t Free

Roosh V’s Free Speech Isn’t Free, an autobiographic account of the author’s attempt to host an independent book and speech tour in the face of overwhelming opposition by hordes of outraged feminists (are there any other kind), their brave Sir Mangina lackeys, and the political apparatus of two large...

New Release: Hot Sun, Cold Fury

The tagline of this blog is, “A Corporate Drone Learns to Leave the Flock”, and by now you should know that it tells the tale of one man’s attempt to make an honest buck for himself, rather than for an(admittedly very nice) corporation. This post celebrates the first concrete...

Adventure Short Review: Two on Trinity

From Adventure Magazine, February 1911Available for free download here “In all the seas there are few more beautiful spots, none more lonely, than Trinity Island.  It lies in the high longitudes and the low latitudes, and is a mere horseshoe of coral rising out of the fathomless black water,...

Cirsova: A Contemporary Pulp Magazine

Great stories published back in the day are all well and good, but isn’t there a contemporary source for that old time fun?  Yes, there is, but as is so often the case these days it comes out of the crowd of true rebels. To use a high school...

Read What They Read

God bless this modern age of ours.  The last few posts here have been railing about how they just don’t make them like they used to, and it turns out that we can still read the Narrative-free tales of yesterday without combing the used book sales and flea markets...

Why Johnny Doesn’t Read, An Exercise

Let’s run a little experiment together, shall we?  Open Google, and enter, ‘Why Men Don’t Read,” into the search bar.  The first few articles should be worth a laugh. First up, Why Men Don’t Read: How Publishing is Alienating Half the Population Color me impressed!  I was ready to...

Johnny Got His Paperback

The world needs more men’s adventure fiction. You’ve probably seen at least one click-bait article featuring a series of garish and campy covers for the men’s adventure fiction magazines from the 1950s and 1960s.  They feature bright colors, exclamation points, and outrageous article titles, “Weasels Ripped My Flesh” being...