Category: cultural analysis

Three Princesses: Captain(s) Jack

In the interests of adding some factional play to the un-named island campaign featuring three lovely young ladies, I’ve asked a million of my closest friends to run the troubled character of Captain Jack Cardinal. He’s the guy charged with bringing the Three Princesses back to civilization and he...

It’s Up to All of Us

Like many on my side of the political chasm, I’ve enjoyed my share of schadenfreude while watching meltdowns by emotionally unstable losers. Sometimes my conscience twinges at the thought that many of these poor, lost souls could benefit from a strong and healthy dose of compassion. Many of those...

Is This What Weebs Feel?

I think I get it now. Shamelessly stolen from the Arkhaven Blog. This is solid advice for creatives of all stripes. These people are not your audience. They are children and mentally ill terrorists who only have the power you give them. They are death cultists who live only...

Solo Wargames

Does anyone else find it significant that solo miniature wargames have become so popular in recent years? Games like that shown here (which you can get a hard copy of through Lulu), Rangers of Shadowdeep, Five Leagues from the Borderlands, and so on.  To say nothing of Mike Lambo’s long-running series...

Towards A New Model of Adventure Gaming

As this post goes live, the IP holders for D&D are doing their darndest to rip conventional play away from the hobby approach of “anything is possible at the table (as long as you adhere to story-arc driven narrative games)” and into a consumerist approach of “gatcha driven subscription...

Mary Shelley Invented RPGs

Thanks in large part to the bros actively re-inventing and reshaping RPGs through experimentation, session reports, analysis, and (sometimes heated) discussion, the hobby has cycled back to the age old question of, “Who invented role playing games?” Other lesser factors contribute, of course. The upper midwest Boomer Crew is...

Red Letter Norms

The RLM guys are experts at one particular species of cultural tree, but have spent so much time looking at the one tree that they can’t see how the health of the forest is killing that tree. Naturally, that tree is cinema and the forest is the wider culture....


Ashe Barker, over at the YouTube Channel Guerilla Miniatures Games, has been running down a long series of thoughts on GrimDark Media.  It’s a fun series – one of those hangout and gab sessions with a couple of ersatz friends who share many of the same interests as you. ...

On Lahaina

The one thing we can all agree on in the aftermath of the Lahaina Fire is that the events prove that my pre-conceived political and economic notions are one-hundred percent correct: Vegans suck.  They cause the fire by pressuring big corporations and legislatures (but I repeat myself) to enact...