The Dungeon: Level 7 – The Dead Wizard’s Lab
This portion of The Dungeon is a once-opulent hermitage gone to rot. The magnificent rugs and furnishings are dusty, moldering, and falling apart. Only the shelves and books in the library, protected by powerful spells of preservation and protection, still contains polished wood and many curious volumes of quaint...
The Dungeon: Sublevel 6A – The Air Temple
Back into the Dungeon we go. The Air Temple centers on the Pool of Air, a bottomless pit which emits a steady stream of clean fresh air. This could be a portal to the Elemental Plane of Air, but that would be a literal leap of faith. More likely, it’s a...
The Dungeon: Level 6 – The Brutes
These may look like natural stone caverns, but they were called forth from the twisted imagination of the DungeonGod the same as any other level in this madhouse. One indication of this is that even though the walls are rough stone, with stalactites hanging from above, the floor is...
The Dungeon: Sublevel 5A – Tomb of the Unknown Dwarf King
The Dungeon: Sublevel 5A – Tomb of the Unknown Dwarf King...
The Dungeon: Level 5 – Pool of Earth
The weight of the earth presses down upon those who explore these halls. The walls themselves seem to bend with the stress, and trickles of sand and dust fall from the sagging ceilings. At odd moments, the halls fill with the creaks and groans of the roots of the mountain...
Pendraken Homo Rodentia
Pendraken’s line of stupid, stupid rat creatures has a lot of variety to it. The six types of rat things that came in my dungeon pack assortment barely scratch the surface, but they fit my needs just fine. The gun and bomb wielding packs don’t jive with the dark age...
The Dungeon: Level 4 – The Lizard King
The Lizard King crawled from the mire of the water pool and wandered The Dungeon for a time before claiming these halls for his own. He frequently visits the river on the left side of the map via secret (as in: not available to the characters) submerged passages, and...
The Dungeon: Level 3 – Bugbear Den
This area was once territory controlled by the Cult of Chaos on Level 2, but the large and fierce bugbears that crawled out of the abyss quickly claimed the area for themselves. This situation serves the cultists well, as the bugbears serve as a buffer between them and the...
The Dungeon: Level 2 – Cult of Chaos
Greedy men whose ambition exceeds their power gravitate to The Dungeon where they serve the unknown entity that spawns its children in the Black Pool of Chaos. They protect and serve the pool, guide its stronger children to appropriate portions of the dungeon, and murder and steal from those...
The Dungeon: Know the Warning Signs
The illustrative example from the Cook edition of D&D. In the grand old OSR tradition, long stairways were a sign for the players that they were moving on to deeper, darker, and more dangerous depths of the dungeon. The challenges became greater, and the rewards commensurately so, as you penetrated the...