Category: painted figures


Ground Zero Games makes these spiffy little figures they call “Sci-Fi Mercenaries” or somesuch, but they’re really space orcs.  We’re gonna go with the ‘black primer/white drybrush” method on these bad boys.  As my first 15mm figures, I’m not sure how well it’s going to work, but it’s hard...

First Fifteens

Remember that Silent Running gag I pulled a couple of days ago that nobody really understood because Joan Baez sings a lot of songs about trees and that movie is pretty obscure and older than me and I’m no spring chicken my own self and the post had no...

More Tens

Those of you that are just here for the 10mm figures can rest assured that we’re not done with those.  Tonight I finished painting up my son’s Sand Raider infantry pack.  These are Dream Pod 9 figures for the Heavy Gear game.  Darned if I can find a link...

Heavy Marine Support

This is Pendraken’s new style for Marines with Heavy Weapons (SF3).  Those assistants might make decent noncoms or other officers.  Might have to assign a couple of regular troops to serve as assistant gunners are re-position these pointers as LTs. Snipers!  This pack comes with five teams of snipers,...

Empty Queue

What kind of terrible wargamer am I?  These mounted lizardmen represent the last of the figures waiting to be painted.  At this rate, I may have to resort to painting more of my son’s figures.  These are the kinds of problems you want to have. It’s hard to get...

Cut to the Scaly Chase

Surprise!  Finished lizardmen.  I forgot to post the unpainted versions of these little critters.  Whoops.  We’re looking at four  orders of Pendraken’s Lizardmen with Laser Weapons (SF27).  Each pack comes with five figures, two of the ones shown in the first photo and three of the ones shown in the...

Space Cows!

Behold!  Cows…in…Spaaaaaace! These are Pendraken’s SF36, “Minotaur with Heavy Weapon”, but they look like space cows to me. The guy in the center has sergeant stripes and white hair, just in case I need a sarge for future rulesets. This one’s for the ladies? The figures tower over human...

Monsters on the Prowl: Manticores

As we trundle along, merrily throwing alien after alien at the hapless human intruders, it’s always nice to pause and add a little sumpin sumpin to the lists of the fantasy dungeon.  Why not some twin manticores to spice things up? DN58 – Manticore  These ugly mugs can be...