Category: Reviews

Powers of the Earth

New review up at Castalia House – this time we’re talking about the 2018 Prometheus Award winner, The Powers of the Earth.  It’s an almost kitchen-sink style Heinleinian adventure complete with AI’s, space dogs, soft-boiled political debates, and low-g combat galore.  Plus, it features the sort of slimy fake-news purveyors that could...

Ravage: The Adventure (Finally) Begins

Last year, in an effort to pushback against the ensqualminating of comic book industry, I made it a point to back a number of kickstarters.  One such title earned a backing based solely on the involvement of The Legend.  The seven bucks for a single issue and spicy marketing...

The Actual Roger

Peter Simeti over at Alterna Comics drew this slick little portrait of my daughter in five minutes for only a couple of bucks.  Great guy. Me and my youngest have been reading through the The Actual Roger mini-series, and it’s a lot of fun.  The boy on the cover...

Cirsova – The Bookhunter’s Apprentice

Sometimes you come across a story that’s perfectly fine, but just not to your tastes.  The Bookhunter’s Apprentice is one such tale.  It’s a bit of a heist tale set up when twin sorcerers do an intelligent and evil tome of lost knowledge dirty and pay the price.  The titular...

Cirsova: The Revenge!

The second volume of one of my favorite new anthology magazine…things…arrived some time ago, and it’s high time it got the proper reviewing that it so richly deserves.  This second volume leads off with a new header – The Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense – and we’ll...

Andy the Talking Hedgehog

It’s hard to take adults who ironically like bad cinema very seriously. Over time one can’t help but notice a distinct pattern amongst the hard-core MST3K fanbase of people marking time until they die.  Don’t get me wrong, in these jaded times it’s nice that people just like liking...

The Fantasy of Dystopian Fiction

Did you ever notice how most dystopian fiction feels so fake?  That’s probably because in the last final analysis we know what happens. Spoiler alert: Good wins. Somebody should really tell James Cameron that. Science fiction has dealt with the subject of the dark future almost from the very...

James Cameron’s Winston Smith’s Story of Sci-Fi

James Cameron is a hell of a visual craftsman.  You can’t deny the man’s vision, nor his solid understanding of the fundamentals of story structure. His worldview?  Ehh… The second episode of his brief delve into the story of sci-fi deals with the concept of Monsters.  Oooo, scary. Thanks...

Stan and Ollie

For all that I take Hollywood out behind the woodshed for their odd views on the world and near total rejection of the truth and beauty of the world, credit where credit is due. John C. Reilly and Steve Coogan recently put out a fantastic period piece that delves into...

A Normie Looks at Sci-Fi

Happy Tax Day.  Here’s hoping you’ve got a nice cushion to sit down on now that Uncle Sam is done having his way with you. If you have watched any Devon Stacks’ analyses of the Hollywood machine, then you probably view everything that trickles out of Big Media in a...