Category: RPG

Tyranny of Dragons – Vengeance and Death

With apologies for the cell phone pic. When last we left our band of plucky heroes, they had captured the leader of the attack on Greenest, the mad cleric Frulam Mondath.  A quick scan of his office revealed a significant intelligence coup; the group had discovered marching order to...

Tyranny of Dragons Actual Plays

As I’ve mentioned before, one advantage to playing a pre-packaged rpg campaign is the opportunity it opens up to swap war stories with fellow players who have been through the same meat-grinder. Also mentioned repeatedly has been my group’s adventures, mis- and otherwise, along the Tyranny of Dragons campaign....

Campaign Creation – Inspirational Shortcuts and Political Mnemonics

Chris, over at the Hill Cantons has a great post up about Special Snowflakes.  Really inspirational stuff.  Those of you who run games should take the three minutes to read it, if you haven’t already.  he’s quite the muse, that one.  Make sure to stick around for the comments...

Tyranny of Dragons – Zero Dark Thirty, FR Style

We got bin Laden Frulahm Mondath! I think that’s his name.  He’s one of the high ranking priests of the Cult of the Dragon that’s been causing such trouble in northern Faerun of late.  Let me back up to the middle… When last we left our plucky band of heroes...

Mele Kalikimaka Loot!

Here’s hoping your celebration of the birth of our savior was a smashing success.  (As I type this, Hawaii is still in the midst of the throes of the birthday celebration.)  This year the lovely and long suffering wife fed my addiction with a copy of Neil Thomas’ latest...

Tyranny of Dragons Kickoff

“You’ve all been hired by the trader Basko to escort a wagon of trade goods to the village of Greenest.” And so begins an Actual Play log of the D&D 5thedition centerpiece campaign.  As an Actual Play thread, the spoilers for the campaign will be flying fast and furious. ...


Whatever you call the new version of D&D (“Next”, “Fifth Edition”, or just “D&D”), I’ve got my first RPG character in over five years.  My new group met last Friday night to roll up characters, and my son and I wound up with the spellcasters.  He’s got the boom-boom...