Solo Patron Play and Domain Management Megagames
The OG AD&D DMG contains a wealth of rules and guidance on domain management for dummies. In his inimitable manner, Gary presents a scattershot approach to kitchen sink gaming, but while the bones are there, Gary leaves it to the players to figure out the connective tissue. Or not,...
En Garde, Yourself, Mes Ami
It’s time. Your seconds stand in silent testimony. The trash talking has been silenced. The dancing is over. You and your 15mm opponent have finally reached the moment of the plunge into violence. In Alternative Armies’ En Garde, when the steel meets the flesh, the players have some important...
Tobor the Great
Ten billion people can’t all be wrong. Tobor is no paradise planet, but it’s got something going for it that keeps people there and keeps them growing the population. Sure, it’s got no surface water and only a trace atmosphere. It also has the most effective government in the...
Solo Traveller Sessions: 12
Our scout, Jeremy Powell, started the session on Blaine’s World working as an unwitting spy. After his successful hunting exploits caught the eye of the local figurehead of a monarch, the lovely Queen Tiadime, he found himself in possession of a lovely little Scout class starship. She put in...
Classic Traveller: Brief Update
We’ve got our first space princess! Okay, so Queen Carrere Tiadime (“tee-uh-dee-may”) isn’t technically a princess, but she must have been at some point. Today, however, she serves as the current head of the largest polity on Blaine’s World, which is ruled by a hereditary oligarchy, and how does...
O The Pain, The Pain
Well, that didn’t work. Cobalt-15 had to make his first jump with unrefined fuel, and it went about as well as one might expect. Using refined fuel, you’ve got a 100% chance of making it home okay. Using unrefined fuel you have an 11% chance of your drive malfunctioning...
Traveller: Chad’s First Freelance
The people have spoken, and the Blackreef Syndic needs our hero, one Chad Solo, to recover some very important and hush-hush company materiel that they quote misplaced unquote somewhere out in interSyndican waters. The Blackreef Syndic, in the person of mid-level Admin named Joan Alice, offered Chad Solo a...
Classic Traveller: A New Solo
Today marked the inaugural session of a new solo campaign over at the Joy of Wargaming, and this time we’re chasing the edge of the universe with a game of OG Traveller. It wasn’t much of a session – all we managed to do was roll up one character,...
Lone Wolves and Mass Combat
Recent experiments with mass combat run using AD&D as written have been wildly successful, even as they open up new avenues of exploration. Which is a fancy and nigh-journalistic way of saying that, after two battles, a glaring hole in my understanding has been exposed. On the matter of using...
D0rf Fortressing
We needed a full roster of the dwarves of Romek Zoden. Fortunately for us, the Monster Manual provides us with some guidance. I’ve already pushed out a YuTuub Short detailing the process, so let me just hit you with the high points. The base number of dwarves (4d10 x 10)...