Called It!
Man, did I call it or what? The Little Wars TV guys are great. They provide some fun, light-hearted wargaming fare with high production values, and this is no slight against the work they’ve done. This latest gimmick, though? They’re better than this. Two weeks ago they wondered whether...
Dead Hobby Walking
Miniature wargames in general, and historical wargaming in particular, are headed down the same road as every other hobby out there. You’d think those with an interest in history would be better prepared to learn from the history of other hobbies, but it doesn’t look that way. A lot...
Is The Hobby Still Dying?
This is my result when searching for “miniature wargames dying”: It’s fine. People have been crying Chicken Little over the death of the hobby for decades. Relax. Don’t do anything stupid. It will be fine....
Red Flags All Over the Place
This is a mistake. Last week Little Wars TV posited that miniature wargaming MIGHT have a problem. Now they’ve got five solutions to that possible problem. For the record, I’m firmly on the side of Team Not A Problem. The hobby is doing great, and the last 60 have...
The Pulp Mindset
When it comes to mid-length cultural analysis, JD Cowan is one of the best in the blogging business. His ‘Wasteland and Sky’ has been on my blogroll for years. He is as adept at noticing trends as he is at digging up hard evidence for the what’s the how’s...
Thor Heyerdahl Vindicated
The pre-history of the Americas is a true dark age – a time of great uncertainty and filled with mysteries for which we may never have solutions. The most basic of these, who was the first to arrive, remains shrouded in conflicting narratives and contradictory evidence provided by scattered...
T-Bird and Throttle Conclusion
If you’ve missed out on the furious fun of Josh Howard’s T-Bird and Throttle comics, now is your chance to get in on things with the complete collection. Josh is running the fourth crowd fund for the fourth and final installment of this volume, and the first three issues...
Wargaming Goulash
Going to start up a new mini-campaign using the excellent “Void Pirates” as the framework, then flesh things out with the “Five Parsecs From Home” flavor-book. My first stab at GoalSystem might be a little rough, so I’ve decided to run a four man scoundrel crew against a look...
The Humanity
This is what the site of the Hindenberg disaster looks like these days. With just a simple plaque immortalizing the victims of the terrible accident. It’s on a military base, so it doesn’t get many visitors these days. I stopped to say a few Aves for thee, lads. Godspeed...
New Project In The Works
Not quite ready for the full reveal just yet, but I’ve been working on a new way of sharing this hobby with you fine people. In the meantime, here are a few random shots of my table that will factor in....