Dime Detective: Arms of the Flame Goddess
The February 1911 issue of Adventure magazine was grounded in the real world. It featured the real world exploits of a real-life adventurer-pirate and the inventor of the machine gun. Even the fiction stories took place on a contemporary earth within the realm of the natural world. This magazine...
Jolly Good Show, Brexit!
Congratulations to the good people of Great Britain for pulling off a neat trick that we Yanks couldn’t – you’ve regained your independence without firing a shot and without bloodshed. Must have picked that up from a few of your other colonies. From this side of the pond, we...
Adventure: Looking for Trouble
We now return to a slow progression through the February 1911 edition of Adventure magazine, available online for download in a variety of formats. This time, we look to the very non-fictional Captain George B. Boynton, a globe trotting sea captain who served under eighteen different flags, writing...
Two More From Adventure
Continuing to read random selections from the February 1911 edition of Adventure magazine provides a couple of gems. First up, “Dixie Pasha” by Thmas P. Byron, in which 400 French Zouaves come face to face with a new enemy – native troops well drilled by their leader, Sam Ames. The...
A Bit of Sci-Fi
Chalk these two little guys up to the lead mountain. They’ve been based and primed for a long time, just kind of hanging out in the queue waiting for inspiration to strike. It never did, so I finally just knocked out a quick bronze and silver pattern respectively. ...
Coming Soon: More Karl Barber
Thank you everyone who purchased my first independently published short story, Hot Sun, Cold Fury. The second title in the series is available…now. Pennies on a Scale follows Karl Barber on a planned expedition to a remote corner of Cambodia where he finds himself outnumbered, outgunned, and almost out...
Where You From, Baby?
My page view recently experienced a significant spike, due mainly to my review of a little thing called Cirsova. Driven mainly by links from the Lead Editor, and Hugo Nominated author Jeffro Johnson*, it may be time for a quick, but more detailed introduction to Seagull Rising. This is...
Why We Can’t Have Nice Guy Things
Via Pulp-O-Mizer In an effort to get a better handle on what people think of the old Mens Adventure Magazines (not sure if capitalized), I’ve been poking around the social media scene and running the pulp searches on the search engines. There are plenty of resources out there, the...
Grown Up Book Report: Free Speech Isn’t Free
Roosh V’s Free Speech Isn’t Free, an autobiographic account of the author’s attempt to host an independent book and speech tour in the face of overwhelming opposition by hordes of outraged feminists (are there any other kind), their brave Sir Mangina lackeys, and the political apparatus of two large...
Cirsova, A Review
Growing up in a stolid middle-class family with a sizable and hence expensive brood of children that pushed our life-style into the ranks of the lower middle-class, our entertainment was chiefly picked up from the free library and the low-rent flea markets that dotted the Midwest countryside of the...