The Watcher In the Dungeon Lake

Two more simple Reaper Bones figures to add to Castle Meatgrinder.  These are called “Spell effect: Tentacles” (#77367), and are carved by one C. Staples.  While they might work well as spell effect markers, (I could see these painted in a black and neon green to add some magic...

Adventure Short Review: Two on Trinity

From Adventure Magazine, February 1911Available for free download here “In all the seas there are few more beautiful spots, none more lonely, than Trinity Island.  It lies in the high longitudes and the low latitudes, and is a mere horseshoe of coral rising out of the fathomless black water,...

Cirsova: A Contemporary Pulp Magazine

Great stories published back in the day are all well and good, but isn’t there a contemporary source for that old time fun?  Yes, there is, but as is so often the case these days it comes out of the crowd of true rebels. To use a high school...

Read What They Read

God bless this modern age of ours.  The last few posts here have been railing about how they just don’t make them like they used to, and it turns out that we can still read the Narrative-free tales of yesterday without combing the used book sales and flea markets...

Why Johnny Doesn’t Read, An Exercise

Let’s run a little experiment together, shall we?  Open Google, and enter, ‘Why Men Don’t Read,” into the search bar.  The first few articles should be worth a laugh. First up, Why Men Don’t Read: How Publishing is Alienating Half the Population Color me impressed!  I was ready to...

Wha-Hey! Pillar of Good

One of the few safe havens inside Castle Meatgrinder is a vaulted room with a heavy stone door.  The center of the dome shaped room is dominated by a massive stone column carved into twin angels standing back to back.  They radiate the light of God, and prevent entry by...

Johnny Got His Paperback

The world needs more men’s adventure fiction. You’ve probably seen at least one click-bait article featuring a series of garish and campy covers for the men’s adventure fiction magazines from the 1950s and 1960s.  They feature bright colors, exclamation points, and outrageous article titles, “Weasels Ripped My Flesh” being...

Being a Better Writer

This post isn’t about better writing, it’s about being a better writer.   As I write this, the TV above my head is blaring the tedious drama of ghetto dwelling reprobates.  Two more of that ilk sit across from in in the auto shop waiting room. Their undisciplined children...

Someday, My Pets

Is there anything more pathetic than ‘nothing to see here’ updates? Cleaning the living room revealed this sad tale of my long neglected hobby.  What you’re looking at is the dust shadow left by my bag o’ brushes which have sat untouched lo these many moons. Champing at the...

Worst. Ex-President. Ever.

It’s never too early to start looking forward to the end of the Obama reign. As that blessed day draws near, let’s take a look at what his ex-Presidency holds in store for the world. Traditionally, out of respect for the newly inaugurated President, history, and the American people,...