Grand Wargaming Strategy, Part the First

Does it count as a manifesto if you know deep down that it’s really more a set of guidelines? The other day the inimitable Peter Del’Orto had a great post on why he doesn’t wargame so much anymore. So that got me thinking about my own view of wargaming as...

The Lead Pile Shrinketh

A long, long time ago, I painted up a few gangs for 15mm Necromunda games. One of the gangs consisted of GZG’s space mercenaries.  From the files In order make a decent opposing force for my son’s Space dwarves, I tried to add some power armor to the mix...

Quick and Dirty Comparison Shot

Let’s add to the pile of comparison shots floating around the web, shall we?  Last week I showed you the three power armored figures added to my space orc/space mercenary/mangalore squad.  Here’s a shot of the figures side by side: Just noticed that one of the guys on the...

More 15mm Sci-Fi Figures

Hark!  The painting muse is upon me! Three new figures from in the painted pile.  A civilian type alien, a grey dog or wolf, and an alien strongarm type.  The robed holy-alien will fill out crowds of civilians in urban/spaceport environs.  The dog was picked up for sentry...

The Complete One Hour Wargame

What with one thing and another, it occurred to me that you’ve never seen the medieval Big Box in all its compact wargame glory.   One complete wargame  As you can see, the Big Box contains the following: A three foot by three foot ground covering cloth One large...

Octopod Command Squad

These 15mm octopods from’s HOF line were supposed to be three adventurer types, but after painting them up, I couldn’t resist buying another pack of ten to make a full team.  Those are still in the mail, but will make for some nice grunts to round out this force....

Tyranny of Dragons, Session 13 – The City of Splendours

Again, this is a summary of a session in which your humble blogger did not participate.  For those following the story, these notes are cribbed from those of the DM. The chapter begins deep within the heart of the great northern city of Waterdeep. The party was residing at...

More 15mm Sci-Fi Goodness on the Way

Now with actual photos!  My game time is limited to those rare weekend afternoons when the “To Do List” is somewhat shorter than my disproportionately long forearms.  Painting, however, that can happen any night of the week.  Not only that, but my primary opponent is travelling the American...

Tyranny of Dragons, Session 12 – Chaotic Absent

Full disclosure:  Gaming and posting has taken a back seat over the last few months due to boring work issues.  The following recap is based off of the incomplete notes and recollections of the rest of the party, but mostly from a recap provided by our long-suffering and under-appreciated...

The Necromancer War, Chapter 1

Neil Thomas’ book, One Hour Wargames, is worth buying for the scenarios if nothing else. It includes 30 different scenarios of all sorts – symmetric, asymmetric, full terrain, open field, delaying actions, you name it.  While they are written specifically for the rest of the rules in the book,...