We Have Investigated Ourselves

And found we did nothing wrong. Here, we see a graph demonstrating that democracy means bombing any country that threatens the Washington DC grifting machine. Falling for this same old line is shameful.  It’s just another variation on the theme that brought you Yellow Cake, the Gulf of Tonkin,...


THE MUSE IS UPON ME! We’re going to take one part this: Three parts this: Finish with a dash of this: And man, are we going to have fun or what?...

Adeptus Menstruates

The locusts are buzzing again.  This time it’s not the rubbing of their hind legs, it’s the clapping of their ass cheeks as they stomp about demanding that the year 40k look more like the Current Year. It’s the same old song – the people who can’t build, take. ...

On the OGL

WotC can do and say whatever they want. I’m going to keep perfecting the art of the game using the tools good ol’ Gary gave me. There is plenty more to say on the order of retvrning to your roots, and not being a slave to corporate IP, and...

Fattening the Herd

Lots of chatter out there in the media space these days about Big Corporation clawing back control over its intellectual property. We had a round of this when GeeDubs sent out a round of cease-and-desists to the 40k YouTube community.  Now it’s the turn of the D&D fans to...

Second Thoughts on “Rangers of Shadowdeep”

Yesterday I wrote a glowing review of the game Rangers of Shadowdeep, by Joseph A. McCullough, capped by a lengthy complaint about a background that trades on the foundational rock of Western Civilization without naming Him.  As is so often the case these days, everybody wants the fruits of...

Initial Thoughts on ‘Rangers of Shadowdeep’

Why did I wait so long? Joseph McCullough’s masterpiece, Rangers of Shadowdeep has everything a man could ask for in a solo skirmish fantasy wargame. Everything except hope, but maybe that comes later. The basic mechanics are simple.  Skill checks consist of a basic d20+skill versus a toughness number.  Combat...

Elven Village On the Cheap

With a full backlog and modest pile of opportunity, I often find myself wondering what project deserves next place in the queue.  At times like these, I go to The Joy of Wargaming viewers.  It’s cheap market research, and it hasn’t failed me yet. An elven village, you say?  We...

Brovenloft: The Pope’s Tale

The straight dope from the Bro Pope, the (second) man who brought the Rat King to heel.  I’ve made a few minor edits for clarity and readability.  Otherwise, these words are his own. Introduction (h/t ThreadReaderApp) Ok, time to resume this thread about #BROvenloft When the #BROvenloft concept was...

2022 Channel Analysis

To my pleasant surprise, a late December push saw The Joy of Wargaming cross the 3,000-subscriber mark before the clock ran out on 2022. Consider that we have now passed 45,600 hours of view-time.  That represents more than 22,000 movie tickets that we denied the forces of Teh Suck who...