Tyranny of Dragons Party – Yours Truly
The most colorful member of the party, in more ways than one, must be my character, a dwarven tank named Henry St. John. He actually dual wields two light hammers, but the figure came with a hammer and axe. The axe went to yesterday’s dragon-born paladin, and the dragon-born’s...
Fighting Fire With Fire
Sometimes it takes a dragon to beat a dragon. The toughest character in our party running the Tyranny of Dragons gauntlet is the dragonborn warrior, Karran. This paladin is a white-dragon blooded tank of a hero. Unlike the three previous characters in the party, the guy playing this character...
Sic Semper Tyrannis Draconis
Aramis, cleric of Helm, tank-slash-healbot extraordinaire, and all around good guy. He has been instrumental in cracking the tyranny of dragons campaign. Fifth edition clerics seem like a hard class to play. They have so many options at every level of the game, there’s a lot to track...
Tyranny of Dragons – Zero Dark Thirty, FR Style
We got bin Laden Frulahm Mondath! I think that’s his name. He’s one of the high ranking priests of the Cult of the Dragon that’s been causing such trouble in northern Faerun of late. Let me back up to the middle… When last we left our plucky band of heroes...
Grim, The Party Continues
Grim, a serious archer style rogue with a strong mercenary streak is second in the lineup of the heroes blundering their way through WotC’s Tyranny of Dragons campaign. No idea if I got the colors right on this guy – his player missed the session where I asked for...
Mele Kalikimaka Loot!
Here’s hoping your celebration of the birth of our savior was a smashing success. (As I type this, Hawaii is still in the midst of the throes of the birthday celebration.) This year the lovely and long suffering wife fed my addiction with a copy of Neil Thomas’ latest...
Five Parsecs, First Time
This past weekend the boy and I played our first legit game of FiveCore. His ragtag spaceship crew was hired by the local authorities to escort a key witness across town to the safety of a waiting armored vehicle. My gangster and his hired goons, triplets in heavy armor,...
Sci-Fi Skirmish Documented Aliens
Look at all this personality. These guys are great. Brutal beasts, galumphing stocky blobs, and thin mysterious snakemen. We truly live in a golden age of 15mm figures. So many choices, I could could paint nothing but random aliens for a year and never run out. Khurasan on the...
Sci-fi Skirmish Robot Pals
I’ve seen a lot of guys paint up this Khurasan robot (left) in a more colored ceramic style, as opposed to steel and chrome. My effort just wound up looking garish. Lesson learned – paint up the chrome underneath and then pick out the ceramic plates later. If you...
Sci-Fi Heroines and Adventuresses
Just a pair of ladies up for today. One flashy and one gritty....