Pocketmunda – The Adventure Begins
Pocketmunda is a side project for those times when work on the big spaceship is on hold for one reason or another. A small table of urban terrain in the Necromunda style for 15mm gang fights. As an easy kickstart to the terrain build, I picked up ten paper...
Power Core and Life Support
The lowest level of the big ship now holds the central power core for the craft. You are looking at (from bottom up) the cap of a gallon of milk, three dowels used to secure wood furniture (think Ikea pegs) between a couple of wooden disks, the cap of...
Game On!
The game isn’t on for me yet, but it’s getting closer all the time. The game is on for my little mans, because the game room is officially open. Anyone up for foosball? Maybe some ping-pong? And on the table in back you can see a couple of magazines....
Are We Learning Yet?
This blog was supposed to keep me grounded. It’s called War In A Box for a reason – that’s supposed to remind me that I’ve got no space and that every game needs to fit into a tidy little box. The spaceship I’ve been working on is super-kewl, but...
Break On Through
Finally. The Doors. You may have noticed that half the doors on the spaceship are really, really tall. Like this: There’s a reason for that. I wanted doors that open and close. This week I built the doors that slide up and down. Here’s a look at the finished...
Merry After Christmas-Sale Day!
Happy Boxing Day! In honor of whatever is those kooky Canucks celebrate today, let’s all point at Warren and laugh at how he still hasn’t learned his lesson. Remember way back earlier in the year when I spent hours building roads for Car Wars and when they done it...
Starship Crew, Part 2
More starship crew members today. Ran out of heads so the twins on the left have to stay that way. The guy with the big gun…that started life as a GW pistol in a holster. The guy in the trenchcoat is the only one not from the ‘Law Officers’...
Starship Crew, Part 1
The starship is a bit retro, so the crew should also be a bit retro. Hydra Miniatures makes a great line of figures that would be perfect, if they were 15mm. This calls for a bit of conversion. The guys publishing Laserburn figures make some great sort-of-Judge-Dreddish-but-not-really sorts that have...
Just For Fun
I honestly can’t think of a use for these little guys (from Ground Zero Games), but had to pick them up and paint them for no other reason than they look like fun. My daughters claimed the other !Wall-e and !Artoo unit to paint for themselves. Yes, my little...
Insert Obligatory ‘Still Here’ Joke Here
December 21, 2012. Time to throw out your old Mayan calendar and get a new one. Let’s skip all the obvious jokes, okay? If you want those, just read Twitter for five minutes – you’ll get every single one of them a few dozen times. On the spaceship front...