An Itch Not Fully Scratched
Wha-hey! Guess who still has the gumption to slap some paint around? That’s right, it’s your old pal, Warren. Check it, peeps, the public utilities board is totes complete: It’s a little light on cover, but it’s the heaviest board in the box. So it should be rugged enough...
Obligatory Still Kicking Post
If you must, feel free to insert a cliched “not dead yet” joke here. (That’s what most bloggers do when they return after an extended absence.) Instead of that, I’m just going to stick with a meta-not-dead-yet joke instead. At any rate…here are a couple of shots of the...
Mini’s Eye View Redux
Happy Independence Day! Here’s a couple of quick shots of the new public utilities board from the tabletop:...
New Board
Two posts in one week? I’m just the eager little beaver. Good wife willing and the creek don’t rise, I may get a chunk more done this three day weekend. Part of my seedy underbelly board got reclaimed by my daughter this past week. That forced me to add...
Mini’s Eye View
Couple of quick shots of what my little mans are going to be seeing when they fight over these nine square feet of battlefield....
Big City Update
Dirtied up the city blocks this week with a coat of The Dip. You can see that it took some experimenting. The roof on the building in the lower left is a little dark for my tastes, but it does help to break up the buildings a little more....
Painting the Town
You probably noticed that this has become a weekly blog. I burned through my backlog pretty quick. At this point, I’ll just plug away at the new work during the week and throw up odd thoughts when I get the chance. Sunday night is the best night for posting,...
Big Time Terrain
One of the things that I’m trying to do with my wargaming is keep everything compact. This post details one of the reasons for that. When I jumped back into the hobby, I really didn’t look very hard. I just bought up a couple sheets of foamcore and a...
Sneak Peek
One Box Car Wars is essentially complete. All that’s left to do now is play the game. There’s always the temptation to go back and add just one more thing, or to tinker with it just a little more, so don’t be surprised to see a few more autoduel...
Kid’s Stuff
Time to start introducing this little hobby to the boy. A few weeks ago, he got a box of Warhammer 40K figs to practice on, but I can’t let him have all the fun. Tonight, we glued them together in whatever way seemed cool. Here are our results, sans paint. Warhammer players...