Hellfire 2951: It Gets Worse
The default game design for solo miniature wargames is “make them feel like they are about to lose, until the end of the game when they pull it out and win at the end”. I have it on good authority that this is the case. [llink to Rule of...
Random Tables and Simulated Worlds: An Exercise
The thing about random tables – or “procedural generation” if you’re one of those midwits that thinks extra syllables makes you sound smarter than you really are – is that they are a shortcut method to operating the machinery of a game world in a way that makes you...
2024 In Review, Kinda
This blog has bounced around from various sites since 2011, and it’s been about ten years since I stopped caring about traffic. Sometime in the late teens the bots got out of hand and the numbers stopped meaning anything. So much so, that I’ve only had a ticker available...
Hellfire: From Bad to Worse
It’s the year 2950 and we’re going to need a bigger army. And that bigger army is going to need some bigger tanks. The city of Damascus has been taken, after some vicious fighting, by our neighbor to the southeast, the Tillian Republic. We know they mean to take...
Solo Patron Play and Domain Management Megagames
The OG AD&D DMG contains a wealth of rules and guidance on domain management for dummies. In his inimitable manner, Gary presents a scattershot approach to kitchen sink gaming, but while the bones are there, Gary leaves it to the players to figure out the connective tissue. Or not,...
Empire Ain’t Easy
After years, my little Decapolis has lost two cities to encroaching barbarians and suffered the indignity of a successful raid on a third. When it hits, “Hellfire and the Fall of Empire” doesn’t pull its punches. In the Year of Our Lord (a nice touch) 2948 the Weallian Supremacy...
The Center Must Hold
The Hellfire Campaign is dead, long live the Hellfire 2.0 Campaign. For reasons too boring to go into here, I have put the Hyde’s Reach campaign to bed. But the Jim Webster itch has not been fully scratched, so we turn our attention to “Hellfire and the Fall of...
It’s Up to All of Us
Like many on my side of the political chasm, I’ve enjoyed my share of schadenfreude while watching meltdowns by emotionally unstable losers. Sometimes my conscience twinges at the thought that many of these poor, lost souls could benefit from a strong and healthy dose of compassion. Many of those...
Is This What Weebs Feel?
I think I get it now. Shamelessly stolen from the Arkhaven Blog. This is solid advice for creatives of all stripes. These people are not your audience. They are children and mentally ill terrorists who only have the power you give them. They are death cultists who live only...
The Revolution Will Not Be Railroaded
Did you feel that? The game just changed. And unlike most revolutionary changes, this is one you will recognize at the time. Fifteen of the best minds of our generation come together in this one incredible package. For the first time ever, experts in the field of tabletop gaming...