On Chainmail: The Play Is the Thing

Chainmail: Rules for Medieval Warfare really isn’t that hard. It has an undeserved reputation for being byzantine and difficult to parse and put into practice.  A reputation that, now that I have a dozen games under my belt, makes a lot more sense. Chainmail is a game written to be...

A Few Initial Thoughts on ‘A Fistful of Lead’

I like it. Late last year I finally got around to ordering a couple of titles from the Wiley Games lineup. Having missed out on the hardback omnibus fantasy project, and curious about how Jay Wiley handles procedural, by which I mean random table generated, dungeon generation, my first...

Back to the Grindstone: A New Joyous Season

Today resumes broadcast of the best miniature wargaming channel on YouTube.  The Joy of Wargaming ends the long dark drought with a preview of what’s to come in 2022.  A few new wrinkles have been added to the lineup, but you can expect a host of games new and old, and...

Long Form Interview

Late last year, The Chronicles of NotJay, a tabletop wargame show, had your humble host on for a long-form interview regarding the state of the hobby and what’s been shaking within the House of Wargaming.  If you are of the tabletop gaming persuasion, it is well worth a watch.  You might...

Gathering No Moss

Huge events keep grinding away out there in clown world, but your humble host has too much work to pay more than passing attention to it. Feels good, man. Taking Jordan “Ciderman” Peterson’s advice, I’ve spent the bulk of my free time completely renovating my bedroom.  If you want...

Little Big Guns

Every table a masterpiece. It took the littlest figures around to get me to appreciate the majesty and spectacle of Napoleonic Wargaming.  There’s just something far more satisfying about shoving brigades or divisions of 50-100 figures around, even if they are a lot smaller, than there is in shoving...

Maze Runner: Death Cure

In this movie a plague kills most of the adults leaving the children largely untouched.  But if you scare a kid you can milk him for a cure that is totally not adrenochrome. They always have to tell you what they are doing. The first film in the series...

Chainmail Quick Reference Sheet

If ever there was a wargame that cried out for a quick reference sheet, Chainmail is it.  Find yourself a girl that looks at you like Gary Gygax looked at unique subsystems, fren. And yet, after literal minutes of searching, I couldn’t find hide nor hair of a QRS...

Breaking Through

The channel, The Joy of Wargaming, continues to make inroads into the wargaming community.  Now with more than 1,400 subscribers, brave souls not yet scared off by my frequent sojourns into topics that we aren’t supposed to discuss, and more of the newcomers expressing thanks for a non-converged alternative....

Catching Up on the Nose Tweaking

Here’s a smattering of fun stuff that your ‘umble ‘ost has dumped into the social media stream.  Now preserved for all posterity, or until they shut down my own website. D&D theorycrafters are the worst.  They never play.  No session reports.  Just lots of smrt boi theorizing. The following...