True Detective Season Three: One Final Thought
Most of Hollywood’s offerings are dismissive affairs, driven in part by a desire to hack away at the roots of Western Civilization. And then you have True Detective. The third season features one of the most profoundly pro-Christian messages ever shown on TV. One of the threads that runs through...
Wargame Theory
Not judging. Just observing. Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the average consumer....
True Detective: Season Three
True Detective is an anthology series – a rarity in American television – and each of the three seasons produced…to date. Everyone loves the first season, a gripping delve into weird sex cults and powerful pedophile rings down in the bayou. Most people hate the second season, a look...
Nightwatch: The Solo Wargame
This is a game about killing monsters. All kinds, anywhere, any time. So speaketh Patrick Todoroff, the scribe behind Nightwatch. This little gem of a wargame is a solo wargame that features a fairly simple core mechanic upon which you can bolt all kinds of weird and wonderful special...
The Sci-Fi Dungeon
You don’t have to choose. These are all shots from a dungeon originally built for straight-up dungeon crawls. By avoiding permanently affixed fantasy elements, you can change the whole look of the place with just a bit of scatter terrain. The power core columns are blue wooden dowels normally...
A Testament to True Detective
There is a strange thing about the show True Detective that I haven’t seen anyone mention before, and it’s a good thing. These shows – each season represents a self-contained 8-10 hour movie than one episode in an on-going narrative – are at their heart mysteries on tow orders:...
Exponential Costs
Once you pay the vax geld you’re never rid of the vax....
In The Shadow of Giants
Banged out a quick weekend project recently, with mixed results. These towering trees look okay, but the roots are nil, and they are way too fragile for regular use. Classic construction method consisting of paper towel cardboard tubes covered with tissue, and the tissue is held in place with...
The Paranoia RPG As a How-To Manual
Remember when they reskinned the Paranoia RPG so that, rather than ‘commie’, everybody ran around accusing their enemies of being ‘terrorists’? That humor gets darker by the day. Remember to eat lots of carbs, stay indoors and sedentary, avoid family and friend, and most important of all: take your...
Nightwatch Roster Sheet
My first Nightwatch. Since nobody else is going to do it, allow me. If you’re ready to play Nightwatch, a solo fantasy skirmish game by Stalker7, then you’re going to want to use a more compact and efficient character sheet than those in the book. They are fine. They...