Irregular Miniatures Space Pirates

Ever wonder what these 15mm menaces look like?  Wonder no more.  A nice mix of chunky mid-8Os style character. Went with a unified color scheme for simplicity’s sake, but these guys have a lot of potential for more individualism. Captain Bis and his featherless sidekick Cotti....

Not On My Watch

  Hastag Wargaming Is Not For Everyone...

Modernist D&D

For those new to the site, “Modernist” is not a compliment.  Every new D&D book that hits the stores looks like this to me: Hence my retreat into the world of miniature wargaming.  If you build your own, they can’t take it from you....

True Detective: Season Two – Better Than They Say

The much maligned second season of True Detective (SPOILER ALERT) makes for better watching than you’ve probably heard.  The critics and the masses loved the first season and demanded more of the same, but different.  They got it, and complained heavily about a sophomore slump.  While it is true...

This Meme is a Keeper

We all know it’s coming. A fake story to cover the fake death of a fake president. Who you got? This is a joke – a very dark one.  But if you know of an actual betting site taking odds, let me know, would you?  ...

An Interesting People

Apparently, I am one of them. Who knew? Alexander Hellene, a fine author in his own right knew. He wrestled me to the ground and wrung some deeply introspective thoughts out of me. There are multiple blog posts worth of content here, content that needed his probing and incisive...

Feelz Good Man Strikes Again

 If you’re still on the fence about it, or haven’t given it a chance, The Joy of Wargaming is going like gangbusters. But don’t take my word for it: We’re doing a long-form series detailing a logistical and strategic campaign using the book shown in the picture above.  It’s...

Coming Around

Beware the social media influencers, those degenerates who want to lead you down dark alleys.  They might just lead you down into a Carcosa of light. So yeah, maybe it’s just the man’s brash mellowness, and maybe I’m only just now become aware enough of the transcendental nature of...

[More Than You Know] Cha’alt: Fuchsia Malaise

Discussing a book as creative and original as Cha’alt (a setting written and designed by Venger Satanis for use with whatever iteration of the D&D tabletop RPG) presents a number of challenges for the reviewer.  Specifically, the marketing hype used within the tabletop RPG market has devalued the meaning...

A Bit of “That Guy”

At the risk of Monday Morning Q-terbacking: Whatever this was, it figured the Deep State in D.C. was worth fighting to preserve muh Constitution, but it figured the entire Catholic Church had to be destroyed to do away with the Lavendar Mafia. It was never a men of good...