Diversity is Our Strength

Don’t panic, I’m just talking about diversifying our social media footprint. As discussed elsewhere, we are all hunkering down for the censorgeddon sure to accompany the 2020 US presidential election.  Even the blabbermouth socialists, the latest iteration of the BernieBros, recognize that their opposition to Creepy Uncle Joe will...

A Balm In Gilead

One year. It’s been one year. One year further from an unbroken heart. And yet… One year closer to being with you again. It’s going to be a good day.  I remember that.  Sometimes I have to remind myself of that. You taught me well.  More than you will...

The Death of Nature Documentaries

Once upon a time nature documentaries were designed to inform and inspire.  They brought our collective attention to the wonders and mysteries of this incredible world that God has given us to hold in stewardship for future generations.  As the father of a young daughter who believes that she...

A Mutual Vote of Confidence

Writer Daniel J. Davis burst onto my personal scene in 2019 with a string of solid D&D analyses that would have fit right into the earliest days of the OSR.  His post on the post-apocalyptic assumptions built into D&D is one of those deep insights that have grown harder...

A Dive into Dungeons Dark and Deep

I’ve been loathe to cross the streams of my blog and my twitter presence. Partly due to the very different approaches to conversation, and partly due to an aversion to pointless redundancy.  That should change moving forward, as twitter’s rapid-fire conversations often direct my thoughts down avenues best explored...

Lost In Space, Part the Second

Continuing from the last post, we’re observing how Netflix’s Lost in Space somehow manages to dance through the raindrops of identity politics without getting all wet. Today we’re going to look at the menfolk. So we’ll start with Doctor Smith, played by the restrained and menacing Parker Posey. This...

A Very Meta New Year

This is not a daily blog.  Your time is valuable, and I’ll not waste it by filling up empty posts with pointless material. Posts arrive when something you might find interesting crosses my path or my synapses.  Generally, I try to post a few times per week, but as...

Stopped Clocks and the Midlist Midwit Diaspora

When they are right, they are right. Before we get to the meat of this post, let’s take a moment to recall the first rule: A quick search for “Scalzi whatever hiatus” takes six seconds and reveals five of the first six hits betray the lie of “nonstop”. But...

Making Meme Magic Real

My twit feed automagically deletes posts after a month or so.  That means a lot of my best meme work vanishes out into the cloud beyond my reach.  Here’s a year end post for archiving the stuff I can’t be bothered to sort and save to a hard drive. ...

Lost In Space, Part the First

At first glance, the premise of Space Family Robinson seems like an easy premise for a long running TV show. You’ve got a core ensemble cast wandering the wild frontier looking for a way home. Throw in a cocky young pilot, a cowardly and selfish professorial type, and a...