Pulp Modern: Tech Noir
New review of a surprisingly hopeful collection of grim and dark tales of future tech. I picked this title up on a lark – my own WIP is a retro-future adventure, and I wanted to immerse myself in a host of styles to help nail the mood. Expecting the...
Three Days In November
Good luck to everyone kicking off NaNoWriMo with that easy layup of a kickoff weekend. You are at the 3,000 word mark today, right? As usual, every month is a month dedicated to writing for your humble host. I’m cruising along and over the hump on my retro-future tech...
A Brief Commentary on the State of Modern Tabletop RPGs
Two thousand words worth, to be exact. This is what they gave us instead....
Bad Dreams and Broken Hearts
Happy Halloween, ya mopes. Now live over at Castalia House: You won’t want to miss this one. Misha Burnett is operating at the top of his game with a book that hits you with a series of slow and subtle gut punches that will leave you reeling. Bad Dreams...
Halloween Reminder: Saint Gregory III, Pray For Us
Tomorrow night marks the one celebration that traditionally brings neighbors together to celebrate as a community. Yes, we all grumble about early Christmas decorations and wish each other Happy New Year at parties, but Halloween is the one where you go out and meet your neighbors and share in...
Love Town
Regular readers know that I’m a big fan of the ‘buy local’ movement. It helps shovel money away from Dinosaur publishers and towards the next generation of independent creators. Me and my lil Bender hit up a small kine geek fest a few weeks ago, and one of the...
The Inverted Hero’s Journey
Yeah, I saw Joker. Didn’t use a gift certificate either, but that’s only because I mistook my “Rewards Card” for the gift cert I have and went to the wrong theater. Given how rare sneaking away from the kids is for a grown-up movie, there was no chance of...
Hell Spawn: The Sounds of Horror
Anyone want me to read them a scary bedtime story? This ain’t your wine aunt’s urban fantasy. This is pure, distilled, demon-kicking urban fantasy with a direct line to that gorgeous Catholic iconography that makes even the worst Hollywood director want to tap into it. It’s bloody in the...
Scorched Earth or Controlled Burn
Generally, I agree with Brian Neiemeier and the rest of the gang when they go strong on this message: Merely mentioning a Disney/Marvel property, even to negatively contrast it with a superior indie work, just gives the Devil Mouse brand social proof as the one to beat. But I’m...
On The Joker
If 1980 Gotham had a 4chan, it could have saved itself a whooooooole lot of trouble....