Needs More Templars
What sort of conspiracy theory digs into the Catholic Church and doesn’t find Templars at the bottom of everything? This kind. The past decade has seen considerable upheaval in the Catholic Church, an upheaval driven in part by the decreased cost of gathering information. No longer reliant on pliable...
Get In, Loser
A big fat No Prize to anyone that can successfully identify all five authors in this photo, and you get no credit for the unmistakable HP Lovecraft....
Detective Pikachu Post-Mortem
First, the disclaimers: Came into some gift cards and when going to the movies, it’s better to go see children’s movies. People talk in every screening these days. Might as well go to a movie where half the talkers have the excuse of being four year olds. The lead...
The Fantasy of Dystopian Fiction
Did you ever notice how most dystopian fiction feels so fake? That’s probably because in the last final analysis we know what happens. Spoiler alert: Good wins. Somebody should really tell James Cameron that. Science fiction has dealt with the subject of the dark future almost from the very...
James Cameron’s Winston Smith’s Story of Sci-Fi
James Cameron is a hell of a visual craftsman. You can’t deny the man’s vision, nor his solid understanding of the fundamentals of story structure. His worldview? Ehh… The second episode of his brief delve into the story of sci-fi deals with the concept of Monsters. Oooo, scary. Thanks...
Stan and Ollie
For all that I take Hollywood out behind the woodshed for their odd views on the world and near total rejection of the truth and beauty of the world, credit where credit is due. John C. Reilly and Steve Coogan recently put out a fantastic period piece that delves into...
Let Go Your Feelings
No one is coming to save your precious Star Wars. I get it. It was fun while it lasted. You had some good times, and would really like just one last visit to the old haunts for old times’ sake. But this… This ain’t it, chief. The original trilogy...
A Normie Looks at Sci-Fi
Happy Tax Day. Here’s hoping you’ve got a nice cushion to sit down on now that Uncle Sam is done having his way with you. If you have watched any Devon Stacks’ analyses of the Hollywood machine, then you probably view everything that trickles out of Big Media in a...
Flying Sparks – All the Cool Kids are Doing It
It’s this new comic on the streets where you read it and feel adventurous but wake up the next morning and find out you’ve been romance comicked and you don’t even mind. I speak in memes now. Only in memes. My comic to-be-read pile is looking a little thin...
Drik Gently Season Two – The Shark Jump
This review is spoiler free, which if you’ve seen the show is a feat given that mentioning pretty much anything that happens in the show will spoil some surprises. The first season of Dirk Gently felt like an early David Tennant Doctor Who replacement. It had the same wide-open...