Dixon Projects
In addition to being a talented and prolific graphic novel author with credits that include Savage Sword of Conan (the best of the post-Howard Conan properties), Batman, and Punisher, Chuck Dixon also has a line of prose fiction novels available on Amazon. Over the last few weeks I had...
On Heroism
Writing heroes is easy, if you have the courage to do it. Always keep the Seven Virtues in the back of your mind, and refer to them whenever you’re not sure if you hero is acting heroic. A recent brush with the struggles of a left-wing author left me...
A Soft Pass
Galaxy’s Edge was fun and different while it lasted, but it’s just too dang dark for me. After the grind of living inside Goth Sullus’ broken head for 300 pages in Imperator, I had hoped Kill Team would mean a return to the straight-ahead action of Legionnaire or the...
Cirsova Containment Status: Broken
It’s the most wonderful time of the year – time for a new issue of Cirsova. I’ve read a lot of anthology magazines over the last year in the hunt for new writers and new takes on fantasy and sci-fi, and don’t really talk about most of them because…well,...
Look, Up On the Shelf! It’s a Frog!
The Ribbit Awards will soon have long been an established predictor of the literary award seasons, and so it is with great pleasure that I accept the inaugural award for Best Short Work for “Sudden Rescue”. Years from now when my wide-eyed great-grand children look up and ask grand-pops...
New Look
I’d gotten a few reports that my website wasn’t working with some of the newer, most esoteric web browsers, so this weekend I rebuilt this place using an older template. If you can’t see this, let me know....
Adventure Constant, the Price Reduction
I’m experimenting with a soft release for Adventure Rising, the further adventures of Jack Dashing. Rather than push for a big opening day release, I’m playing the algorithm game and counting on Amazon to do some of the selling for me. I’ll let you know how it turns out....
Wrap It, Stack It…
Smack it on the bing-bong! The four fantasy boxes are done. Four mounted troops, three big bossmen, thirty-five infantry, and a cute little doggo. If you can’t field a good four skirmish forces out of that mix, you’re in the wrong hobby, buddy. This aerial shot shows how well the...
My Very First Sequel
It’s high time I showed off the cover for my next book. Out soon, Adventure Rising, fulfills the promise of the post-script of Adventure Constant. Jack Dashing escapes from our world, but finds himself in a New York City that makes a mockery of his own. Chased by wild...
So Many Irons
Great news for fans of my audio work! I’ve started recording another novel for the fine folks over at Castalia House. We don’t generally like to over promise, so you’ll have to wait a month or so to find out which one, but rest assured it’s a fan favorite...