Category: fantasy

Undead Foot Sloggers

The blog has been a bit quiet lately, what with all the painting going on around the house.  Check it out – all the foot troops for the undead medieval army are done*. Not a bad start.Left to right: Levy, Men-At-Arms, Crossbowmen All of these figures are from Irregular Miniatures....

Under Construction – One Page Dungeon

Hey everybody, big fan of the One Page Dungeon contest here.  One of my prouder gaming moments came a few years back when Bryce, of reviewed my last entry.  He’s a cranky old bastard, and his personality shines in his many take-downs of the failures of most published work, let...

Tyranny of Dragons – The Boneyard

A running tally of those heroes fallen in their quest to prevent Faerun’s Cult of the Dragon from ushering in a new dark age by summoning the dread god Tiamat. Raane, half-elf illusionist – fell from the walls of Greenest Keep while attempting to sneak out to save The...

Tyranny of Dragons Actual Plays

As I’ve mentioned before, one advantage to playing a pre-packaged rpg campaign is the opportunity it opens up to swap war stories with fellow players who have been through the same meat-grinder. Also mentioned repeatedly has been my group’s adventures, mis- and otherwise, along the Tyranny of Dragons campaign....

Campaign Creation – Inspirational Shortcuts and Political Mnemonics

Chris, over at the Hill Cantons has a great post up about Special Snowflakes.  Really inspirational stuff.  Those of you who run games should take the three minutes to read it, if you haven’t already.  he’s quite the muse, that one.  Make sure to stick around for the comments...

Mele Kalikimaka Loot!

Here’s hoping your celebration of the birth of our savior was a smashing success.  (As I type this, Hawaii is still in the midst of the throes of the birthday celebration.)  This year the lovely and long suffering wife fed my addiction with a copy of Neil Thomas’ latest...

Tyranny of Dragons 2: Catching Up on Things

The Old Gang has met a few times to work our way through the D&D 5th edition feature campaign, A Tyranny of Dragons, and while playing my son pointed out how far behind this blog was.  Here’s a quick update for those of you comparing your experience to mine:...

Tyranny of Dragons Kickoff

“You’ve all been hired by the trader Basko to escort a wagon of trade goods to the village of Greenest.” And so begins an Actual Play log of the D&D 5thedition centerpiece campaign.  As an Actual Play thread, the spoilers for the campaign will be flying fast and furious. ...


Whatever you call the new version of D&D (“Next”, “Fifth Edition”, or just “D&D”), I’ve got my first RPG character in over five years.  My new group met last Friday night to roll up characters, and my son and I wound up with the spellcasters.  He’s got the boom-boom...

AAR: The Necromancer Meets A Grisly End

Tonight saw the Abox clan rip off a quick game of Song of Blades and Heroes, our first proper game of the fantasy flavor of Ganesha Games’ lineup.  Everyone got involved, even the baby.  How’s that for a thin excuse to bore you with baby pictures?  Hey, she’s holding...