First order of Irregular Miniatures came in today, and they look like a lot of fun. These unpainted lead shots are for other people’s reference. One quirky thing about collecting 10mm figures is that very few manufacturers have their whole line photographed and available on their websites. Personally, that makes it even more fun for me – I’ll gamble a buck or two on figures sight unseen, and every time I get figures like that it feels like Christmas. It can be frustrating when you’re looking for just the right figure, though. So as a service to others, here are some decent shots of a small portion of Irregular’s line-up.
First up are a few selections from the Medieval Range. I’ll be using them as generic western fantasy warrior types of course, but they’ll fit right in alongside my other figures.
TC24 – Crusader/Feudal Infantry Spearmen They’ll make fine henchmen and town guard. |
TC27 – Crusader/Feudal Dismounted Knights Heavy armored fighter types for characters. |
TC29 – Crusader/Feudal Pilgrim Infantry One of those sight unseen I’d hoped to turn into torchbearers. Having seen them? I’m not sure what they’ll wind up as. |
One lone representative from the Samurai range is next.
TSAM10 – Warrior Monk The hope was for an unarmed and unarmored shaolin style monk. This could be cool, though. |
Here are a few from Irregular’s fantasy line. They don’t look like any great shakes ‘in the raw’, but I once built a skeletal army out of Irregular’s 6mm line, and they looked great once they were painted up. No doubt these will follow the example set by their shorter undead forebears.
TFAN7 – Dwarf Axeman |
TFAN9 – Dwarf Chieftan Finally a dwarf with a hammer. My collection sorely needed one. |
TFAN41 – Wolves |
TFAN45 – Wizard Two different styles, one old beardy and one dark and mysterious. Kinda wish I’d ordered more of these guys now. |
Thank you for the photos – you're certainly right that there's a lack of good pictures of 10mm minis out there! I've bought some stuff "sight unseen" from Pendraken too, and I agree that it does add to the fun in some ways. All told though, I'd rather see what my (all too limited) funds are buying first!