Three and a half months early, the One Hour Wargame Big Box is complete. Sort of*.
The Rules as Written call for a maximum of three feet of road way. One piece of bass wood from the local craft store gives you enough material to make a much more flexible amount of roadway. I went ahead and built up a fork, crossroad, tight curve, and a couple more random lengths. You never know – this box might work well with my 10mm fantasy figures for skirmishing as well.
Here’s a shot of the road where it meets the river and bridge with the medieval farmhouse for as well.
One more close-up.
* If you’re a wargamer, you know these things are never really done. At some point I’d like to make some scatter terrain like a circle of standing stones or a wizards tower. Maybe a few isolated trees and rock outcrops. And this terrain would work well with a matched pair of dark ages armies, too. The possibilities are limited, but the hours are not. So for now…it’s time to actually use this stuff.