Going to start up a new mini-campaign using the excellent “Void Pirates” as the framework, then flesh things out with the “Five Parsecs From Home” flavor-book.
My first stab at GoalSystem might be a little rough, so I’ve decided to run a four man scoundrel crew against a look mob with a couple regular Joe bosses. From reading VP and watching a few vids by the authors, it looks like a smooth system where everything fits neatly into place without a host of edge case rules to trip a guy up. But with so many different options, the prospect of tracking eight different characters and a look swarm has me eagerly anticipating the challenge.
If any of you have any GoalSystem advice…I’m all ears!
Too late for this little guy – his sword swap won’t be ready in time for the fray – but his Khurasan shark-bros have the shindig on their dance card. I clipped the sword off a donor Akarr melee specialist to give this sniper’s second something more proactive to do in my games.