Called It!

 Man, did I call it or what?

The Little Wars TV guys are great.  They provide some fun, light-hearted wargaming fare with high production values, and this is no slight against the work they’ve done.  This latest gimmick, though?
They’re better than this.
Two weeks ago they wondered whether wargaming was dying, and one that didn’t have much to say.  Some think it is, some think it isn’t, like, whatever man.  That sparked off yet another round of post-mortems on the thriving hobby, and a lot of conversations that amounted to little more than a chance for the usual suspects to remind everyone that they are Very Good People willing to burn the hobby to the ground to save the hobby.  Little Wars TV followed up with some suggestions for what can be done to save the hobby that they couldn’t even conclude was in danger let alone dying.  They finished off with a promise that next week they would have the solution to the kind of maybe a problem if you squint your eyes just right and ignore what’s in front of your face.
And of course this week they fulfilled that promise with…
An ad for their patreon.
Is that the theme from Curb Your Enthusiasm  I hear in the distance?  
You want to know the secret to spotting this?  I’m a history guy.  I learn from history. This same line has been used to milk cash from more hobbies than you can shake a drybrush at. Video games, comic books, tabletop RPGs, you name it.
By all means, donate away.  When they are talking about wargames on the table and a little light history, they’ve got the best thing running on the Y’allTubes.  Well worth tossing a couple bones at them to keep their spirits up.
Maybe they’ll make enough money to quit with the borderline grifting and get back to dancing with the one what brought ’em – tabletop wargaming.

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