Three Princesses: First Dungeon
We’re over 2,500 words into this session report, that’s how much you can accomplish in a single session with old school D&D. Our three heroines were slated for the marriage duty, but fate had other plans. Their ship was blown a thousand miles off-course, to wash up on the...
Three Princesses: Captain(s) Jack
In the interests of adding some factional play to the un-named island campaign featuring three lovely young ladies, I’ve asked a million of my closest friends to run the troubled character of Captain Jack Cardinal. He’s the guy charged with bringing the Three Princesses back to civilization and he...
Three Princesses: Off the Beach
With the firsday’s business of survival done, Captain Jack Cardinal sets watch and orders his men to rest. To his three charges, princesses of the southern kingdoms, he admonishes caution. It doesn’t work. Shipwrecked on a mysterious island a thousand miles outside the known trade routes, our players have...
News You Can Use: Hex Stuff
At some point somebody is going to ask where they can get a copy of this AD&D inspired hex-clearing and domain building blank canvas. So here it is: I’ll have a video up on my channel showing how I used this to organize the exploration and hex-clearing portion of...
Three Princesses: The Beginning
His Imperial Majesty, desperately clinging to the tatters of a failing reign, hits upon the time-honored solution to the “barbarian problem” of marriage as a stop gap. He orders three princesses of minor southern subject kingdoms to sail off and marry the sons of the smelly bearded boat guys...
Random Tables and Simulated Worlds: An Exercise
The thing about random tables – or “procedural generation” if you’re one of those midwits that thinks extra syllables makes you sound smarter than you really are – is that they are a shortcut method to operating the machinery of a game world in a way that makes you...
The Revolution Will Not Be Railroaded
Did you feel that? The game just changed. And unlike most revolutionary changes, this is one you will recognize at the time. Fifteen of the best minds of our generation come together in this one incredible package. For the first time ever, experts in the field of tabletop gaming...
How Alignment Lubricates PvP Play
Once you fully adopt the classic adventure game model you have some serious and subtle obstacles to overcome. Overnight the campaign makes a quantum leap from ‘us against the GM’ to ‘everybody against everybody’, and that means an exponential increase in the threats that you – as a player...
How PvP Increases Role-Playing
When every player is actively engaged with every other player, this opens up the possibility for role-playing well beyond the conventional model of play. In conventional play, meaningful role-play is limited to player-GM interactions. Sure, you can role-play conversations within the party, and those in-character negotiations can influence the...
The Most Important Event In TableTop (You’ve Probably Never Heard Of)
Looking back on 2021, it occurred to me that the most important event in tabletop gaming in decades might have been the PvP death of Bob Dobs (run by Kestutis Kalvitis), who was eaten by cave bears on the command of Chief Fudd of Fug. Cirsova, the man behind...