Category: D&D

Megaduneon to be Named Later – Overland Player Map

As if this blogger didn’t have enough irons in the gaming fire, I’ve been inspired by the likes of Peter Dell’Orto, Dyson Logos, and a host of others to start in on a new megadungeon.  As with so many others, it may never see the light of an adventurer’s torch....

Under Construction – One Page Dungeon

Hey everybody, big fan of the One Page Dungeon contest here.  One of my prouder gaming moments came a few years back when Bryce, of reviewed my last entry.  He’s a cranky old bastard, and his personality shines in his many take-downs of the failures of most published work, let...

Tyranny of Dragons – The Boneyard

A running tally of those heroes fallen in their quest to prevent Faerun’s Cult of the Dragon from ushering in a new dark age by summoning the dread god Tiamat. Raane, half-elf illusionist – fell from the walls of Greenest Keep while attempting to sneak out to save The...

Tyranny of Dragons – Vengeance and Death

With apologies for the cell phone pic. When last we left our band of plucky heroes, they had captured the leader of the attack on Greenest, the mad cleric Frulam Mondath.  A quick scan of his office revealed a significant intelligence coup; the group had discovered marching order to...

Tyranny of Dragons Actual Plays

As I’ve mentioned before, one advantage to playing a pre-packaged rpg campaign is the opportunity it opens up to swap war stories with fellow players who have been through the same meat-grinder. Also mentioned repeatedly has been my group’s adventures, mis- and otherwise, along the Tyranny of Dragons campaign....

Campaign Creation – Inspirational Shortcuts and Political Mnemonics

Chris, over at the Hill Cantons has a great post up about Special Snowflakes.  Really inspirational stuff.  Those of you who run games should take the three minutes to read it, if you haven’t already.  he’s quite the muse, that one.  Make sure to stick around for the comments...

New Year’s Party

Day late and a gold coin short, here’s a shot of the full lineup of the party standing between Faerun and a so-far vaguely draconic but unspecified threat. Karran, Gilgamesh, Aramis, Henry, and Grim On the one hand, if the fate of the Realms lies in the hands of...

Tyranny of Dragons Party – Yours Truly

The most colorful member of the party, in more ways than one, must be my character, a dwarven tank named Henry St. John.  He actually dual wields two light hammers, but the figure came with a hammer and axe.  The axe went to yesterday’s dragon-born paladin, and the dragon-born’s...

Fighting Fire With Fire

Sometimes it takes a dragon to beat a dragon.  The toughest character in our party running the Tyranny of Dragons gauntlet is the dragonborn warrior, Karran.  This paladin is a white-dragon blooded tank of a hero.  Unlike the three previous characters in the party, the guy playing this character...

Sic Semper Tyrannis Draconis

Aramis, cleric of Helm, tank-slash-healbot extraordinaire, and all around good guy.  He has been instrumental in cracking the tyranny of dragons campaign.   Fifth edition clerics seem like a hard class to play.  They have so many options at every level of the game, there’s a lot to track...