Category: RPG

Gobbiton Update

In AD&D wolves are a pretty scary thing to encounter.  They are 2+ HD creatures and run in packs.  They are not for 1st level encounters, which should have served as an indication that running around the Wolflands is not for new characters, nor for n00b players. And when...

In Support of the Subsystem

Single mechanic RPGs are bad, mkay? Every time you think your interest in AD&D has run its course, that you’ve done all there is to do, you find another fun little subsystem that forces you to go back to the books and explore a whole new aspect of the...

Lone Wolves and Mass Combat

Recent experiments with mass combat run using AD&D as written have been wildly successful, even as they open up new avenues of exploration. Which is a fancy and nigh-journalistic way of saying that, after two battles, a glaring hole in my understanding has been exposed. On the matter of using...

AD&D Weapon Versus AC Adjustment

AD&D’s weapon versus AC adjustment table is the online recipe of tabletop RPGs.  Everybody that talks about it wants to talk around it. Or talk about their houserules. Or talk about people talking about it.  Or talk about how they calculated them better than Gary. Or sell you on...

Can’t Counter a Plan That Doesn’t Exist

Understanding and utilizing the principles of solo RPG play can have enormous positive impacts on your face-to-face (digital or meatspace) team-oriented RPG experiences. For one of the best examples that I have read on the subject, turn your browser to BDubs and Dragons.  The man has a gift for...

The Solo (Not Quite) AD&D Fire Still Rises

A new Challenger enters the lists! A Prince of Parma, who I’m pretty sure comments on my vidjas has taken up the solo wargaming gauntlet with the devil of his own, this time into ACKs.  Even better, he is documenting his Campaign on Cosoricalta in long form blog posts!...

AD&D Kits: Not 2e

To speed up the math of character creation, and in direct response to a suggestion from one of my viewers, I built two kits for first level characters.  These are a little like the kits presented in B4: The Lost City.  With the costs and encumbrance calculated beforehand, you...

Corvusburg, the Second Batch

Our first pair of plucky heroes have met their end, eaten by a large pack of worgs somewhere along the road east of Corvusburg.  The don’t call it the Wolflands for nothing. Fortunately, and the elites don’t want you to know this, but first level adventurers are free.  You...

Into Uncharted Gaming Waters

A lot of tabletop gamers totally spaz out when you tell them there is a better way to olay the game they’ve been playing for 40 years.  Even guys with ten feet of shelf space dedicated to gaming advice or coil and a horror when they’re giving gaming advice. ...

Brainstorming Paranoia

There’s a new edition of the classic RPG coming and hoo boy are the schoolmarms out in force. For those that don’t know, the Paranoia RPG was a dystopian sci-fi game with pretty thin rules designed to provide just enough game framework for a dark comedy RPG that satirized...