Category: Uncategorized

Better Writing for a Better Tomorrow

It turns out that rebuilding an sf/f publishing civilization from the ruins left behind by the Boomer generation requires a lot of effort on a lot of different fronts.  The one that we upstarts in the publishing world seek to rebuild is a complex civilization, and carving our own pale...

Pup Kult Stephenson

Is it just me, or did this feel a lot like a Stephenson novel? It features the weird future of Snowcrash and the abrupt lurch of an ending of… Well, pretty much every novel Stephenson ever wrote. Not a complaint.  Just an observation.  Nick Cole’s first-person spycraft novels typically feature...

Cirsova – Seeds of the Dreaming Tree

Lost tribe tales set in the modern day fell out of fashion shortly after the last few corners of the map were filled in by intrepid explorers.  The extra challenge of squeezing a bit of mystery into our digitized and sanitized world thwarts many a good adventure tale. Harold...

Quick Movie Hits

Long flights with no laptop and an empty reading queue on the trusty kindle make things so dull that one might be tempted to run through a quick scan of the free Hollywood fare provided by the airline.  That’s how I discovered the little gem of Stan and Ollie. ...

1994, December 1980

 You can just barely see the background of the amazing cover of this issue of 1994 includes a Mount Rushmore that has been expanded by two faces – a nice touch indicating that our dinosaur riding caveman is from the far flung future. Presumably that year fourteen years away from...

More on Warren Publishing

Been doing a bit of adherence to Jeffro Johnson’s general rule of “don’t read anything written before 1980” lately, and that means checking on the long boxes full of black and white comics down to the local Nerd World. I’ve got a reputation there as a bit of a...

Marvel Zombies

With the recent announcement of Marvel Studio’s decision to go all woke all the time, a great many pundits are darkly heralding the imminent demise of the Devil Mouse.  The common consensus on Team Western Civilization holds that the “get woke/go broke” maxim will soon lay low the house...

Sounds Good!

Can confirm. People have been asking for #audiobooks it @DeclanFinnBooks’ Saint Tommy series, and… @kevasidhe and I just had a FANTASTIC conversation with @NotJonMollison . This is gonna happen, folks! — Russell Newquist (@rnewquist) June 30, 2019 I thoroughly enjoyed reading Saint Tommy when I paid for the pleasure. ...

Cirsova – How Thaddeus Quimby the Third and I Almost Took Over the World

Bruh.  That title. There’s a recent fad going around the midwiteratti where they crown thier snoozefest Hugo bait stories with wuh-wacky long titles that are LOL so random: The Rose MacGregor Drinking and Admiration Society The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Teeth of George Washington The Tale of the...

Happy Independence Day!

Let’s celebrate Old Glory by talking about the glories of New Publishing.  We’d better enjoy this holiday while we can – there’s no telling how many more we’ve got left. Specifically, we’ve got a couple of canaries in the old media’s Woke/Broke Coalmine to talk about.  If you’ve ever...