Category: Uncategorized

Cirsova 8’s “Only a Coward” by Jennifer Povey

If you want to catch the eye of a Catholic, you could do a lot worse than the opening to Jennifer Povey’s Only A Coward: “Only a coward chooses death over a difficult life,” Selien spoke those words as the knife hacked through the braid of her hair.” As...

Happy BE Day

Today’s the day that my loyal fans receive their comeuppance in the form of the high-octane adventure of a slave turned emperor.  Pre-orders are over, it’s time to sit back and let the struggle of a regular guy forced to claw his way onto the Imperial throne to save...

The Barbarian Emperor On The Air

Soon. If you already pre-ordered a copy of Barbarian Emperor, thank you.  If you haven’t because you’re still sitting on the fence, here are a couple of interviews that I did over the last week showcasing the work and a whole lot more.  The first video deals with a...

Cover Reveal: Barbarian Emperor

Newsletter readers and those who follow me on Twitter already know about my next release.  As a quick break from the Heroes Unleashed Universe, I knocked out a nice fantasy epic that features a gladiator clawing his way out of the arena, crossing half an empire and back, and confronting...

Cirsova 8’s The Dream Lords, by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt

Uitvlugt has become mainstay in the pages of Cirsova, with offerings going all the way back to The Hour of the Rat in the inaugural issue. This time around he takes the reader on a journey to one small corner of the Dreamlands, a strange village whose inhabitants serve...

Cirsova 8’s Breaking the Accords, by Amy Power Jansen

With her people’s backs pressed to the sea, the Queen of a fallen empire convinces her high priestess to break the seal that binds a fell power. Locked away in previous generations, that fell power and her cousins nearly ruined the earth for mankind, and would have succeeded had...

Jack Ryan Closeout Spectacular

Episodes seven and eight manage to continue Jack Ryan‘s uneven trend.  A final showdown in which the villain’s plan slowly unravels, and an ultimate confrontation resolved though the sort of cunning instincts we’ve seen from Jack Ryan cap things off in a satisfying manner, even as these last two...

Cirsova 8: Brandy and Dye, by Jim Breyfogle

The second story in Cirsova 8, Brandy and Dye by Jim Breyfogle, is a delight to read.  Two mercenaries get thrown into a tight economic battle between the providers of the eponymous Brandy and Dye.  Let’s look at the things that elevate this story above the usual fare: The...

Jack Ryan Turns Six

Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan pulls off a neat trick in its sixth episode.  The conclusion of the show presents a four sided Mexican standoff with more guns and more seriousness than a Tarantino movie.  It also resolves a hell of a lot more satisfyingly than a Tarantino movie, which...

‘Member Jack Ryan? Episode Five

The kids reminded me that we are long overdue for the next installment of Jack Ryan and the Sarin Gas Ensemble Show sponsored by Monsanto, doing our part to keep internet mobs gainfully employed since [redacted]. In  this episode, our main character makes her way ever so slowly toward the...