Category: Uncategorized

Look, Up On the Shelf! It’s a Frog!

The Ribbit Awards will soon have long been an established predictor of the literary award seasons, and so it is with great pleasure that I accept the inaugural award for Best Short Work for “Sudden Rescue”. Years from now when my wide-eyed great-grand children look up and ask grand-pops...

New Look

I’d gotten a few reports that my website wasn’t working with some of the newer, most esoteric web browsers, so this weekend I rebuilt this place using an older template.  If you can’t see this, let me know....

Adventure Constant, the Price Reduction

I’m experimenting with a soft release for Adventure Rising, the further adventures of Jack Dashing.  Rather than push for a big opening day release, I’m playing the algorithm game and counting on Amazon to do some of the selling for me. I’ll let you know how it turns out....

My Very First Sequel

It’s high time I showed off the cover for my next book.  Out soon, Adventure Rising, fulfills the promise of the post-script of Adventure Constant.  Jack Dashing escapes from our world, but finds himself in a New York City that makes a mockery of his own.  Chased by wild...

So Many Irons

Great news for fans of my audio work!  I’ve started recording another novel for the fine folks over at Castalia House.  We don’t generally like to over promise, so you’ll have to wait a month or so to find out which one, but rest assured it’s a fan favorite...

Post-Superbowl Post-Hangover Sale

Now that you’ve recovered from yesterday’s football game, why not treat yourself to a little light reading?  Four novellas and short story, all featuring a big dang lizard that needs a good slaying before it runs amuck can be yours… But wait!  Don’t order today!  Tomorrow, it goes on...

Dance Card Status: Full

Got ’em lined up into next year and it’s only just February. The early part of 2018 will see the release of my first two sequels, one for Adventure Rising and one for Sudden Rescue.  I’ve got short stories coming out in a couple of collections, and I’ve been...

The Feedback Cycle of Virtue

I’ve long argued that Western men thirst for stories that reflect their culture, and that Hollywood’s woes and the decline in readers clamoring for mainstream fare are healthy signs for the future.  It’s time to show you a proof of concept. The following review of my latest novel, “Space Princess” was...

Local Kine Comics

Think global, buy local, they tell you.  Aurite*. It’s been a long time since I bought a comic book that wasn’t wrapped in a brown paper bag.  It’s not what you think.  After a dry spell, a few years back I bought a couple packages of 10 titles for a...

Candyland 2.0

Late last year I tried to turn my four year old daughter into a proper hex-and-counter wargamer by running her through the first few scenarios of Advanced Squad Leader, but she just cannot ever remember to pop smoke before rushing a full squad through a lane open to fire...