Category: Uncategorized

Escaping Infinity

At its core, Richard Paolinelli’s Escaping Infinity, presents a Twilight Zonestyle mystery of a strange hotel that appears in many times and places, and that once you check in, you can’t check out.  The guests at this hotel become so taken by the perfect luxury of the place that they...

They Know

Politics is downstream from culture.  One of the reasons that the publishers in New York are doing everything they can to isolate independent writers and publishers like Castalia House is that they know it plays a vital role in establishing what kind of future we will have.  We represent...

Happy Father’s Day

He might not have taught me how to fight leopards, or Arab slavers, or swing through the trees using jungle vines, but my Dad did provide me with a number of skills that come in handy for fighting the slave-minded people of my time.  An irreverent sense of humor,...

Break Time

My first bona fide novel is up to 10 reviews on Amazon, which is a nice surprise given how rarely I ask for those.  It’s also a reminder that I’ve got to play some catch-up.  In addition to posting a few three-sentence reviews on Amazon – that’s all it...

A Newcomer’s View of the PulpRev

Dominika Lein, author of, I, The One, posted an in-depth look at her experience with the #PulpRev.  It’s gratifying to read about her experiences, as this is exactly the spirit that I’ve been pushing within the community.  I’ve lifted a few choice quotes, but you should really go read...

Don’t Take My Advice

Russell Newquist, author of the much enjoyed Make Death Proud to Take Us, offers up some solid writerly advice when he recommends: The secret (It’s not really a secret – you can find this all over the internet) to making money off of this in the book world is...

Dangerous Gamers – The Book

From day one The Frisky Pagan has been a reliable source of passionate, well considered, and funny commentary over at the Puppy of the Month Book Club.  Lately, his production has fallen off a bit (he’s not alone in that), and now we finally get a chance to see...

Donut Shaped Planets

  It’s so very tempting to give a post like this the subheading along the lines of “Homer’s Haven”. There’s been some chatter in the science field lately about synestias – short term stages in the development of an earth-like planet where the dust and rock of accretion takes on...

Comics Exposure

Comic book fandom is one of those things that I’ve accreted through sheer osmosis.  Love the concept, love the culture, but never had the time, never had the money, but always had friends with both.  Whether it was reading an issue or two left on a couch or thrust...

Rocket’s Red Glare

Who says short fiction is dead?  Not Kieth West: “From distant galaxies to the mean streets of Hollywood . . . from the war-torn skies of France in 1918 to the far side of the moon . . . The stories in Rocket’s Red Glare exemplify the adventure, courage,...