Fake Arguments
Brace yourself for incoming stupidity, internet. Recently, the Supreme Dark Lord explained why the appellation “fake” is a two-megaton blast of nuclear rhetoric. Within 48 hours, I’d already seen the peanut gallery wielding the term “fake” in a hamfisted, Peebee-esque manner. Never change, Mass Effect. Never change. Here’s a...
Public Service Announcement
These two books are nothing alike. Just Whomever’s book is a biting parody filled with in-jokes and digs at John Scalzi. It’s a fevered dream, descent into madness style narrative that barely hangs together, by design. Johann Kalsi’s book is a fantastic work of science fiction that could easily...
Design Choices
My latest novel, “Sudden Rescue” was released on the Ides of March, and now that’s it’s been flung out into the cold, hard world of the marketplace, it’s too late to make any significant changes to it. That means we can talk about a few of the decisions that...
Further West
Yes, it’s “further” and not “farther” in this case, because we’re talking about the author David J. West again. Now that I’ve had a chance to finish The Mad Song I’ve got a better handle on the guy. Let’s be honest, it might not be entirely fair to judge...
Now Available: Sudden Rescue
When is the last time you read a decent space princess story? How about a blue collar hero thrust into the dangerous world of interstellar politics? What about a space opera jaunt through worlds both strange and dangerous? If it’s been too long, then it’s about time you...
Towards a Self-Publishing Cearinghouse
The weak link in the self-publishing universe right now is marketing. The best available tool for that job today is Amazon itself. Readers who spend too much time wading into online reading and writing discussions have it easy – there are too many great writers doing just that to read...
I Write For Men, To Appeal to Everyone
If you want your writing to appeal to everyone, then you should write for men. Consider the following: When this happens… Source. This happens… Evidence. Leading to this. Source. For reasons too byzantine and varied to go into in depth here, Madison Avenue has decided to follow the...
David J West – First Impressions
You see this maniac right here? He’s where the #PulpRevolution rubber meets the literary market road. Jesse Lucas wrote a great review of his Fangs of the Dragon, and then he started cropping up all over the place in my Twitter feed, and even participated in the Three for Three review...
What the Heck Does ‘Pulp’ Even Mean?
Inspired by (yet another) killer G+ thread kicked off by Kevyn Winkless: https://plus.google.com/+KevynWinkless/posts/cQ9KWcezw4Y If you’re new to the Pulp Revolution, you’d do yourself right to follow Kevyn’s G+ feed. He asks cutting questions that push everyone to start rubbing their brain cells together. In the ugly link above, he...
Story Hack – Submissions Open
Hello, fellow authors! Bryce Beattie didn’t learn anything from watching Cirsova. Like Alex, he loves pulpy fun more than he loves money and free time. In order to keep the twin scourges of disposable income and sleep at bay, he has put out a call for submissions for Story Hack, Action and...