Category: Uncategorized

Hopping on Brown Beauty

Joe needs a little push to sit down and get cranking, so this Pulp Revolutionary is pointing to the church tower and shouting, “One if by blog, two if by Gab!”    I don’t know whether this kernel might grow into a book that qualifies as part of the...

Scanning the New Pulp Horizon

For those of you who don’t read footnotes, Rawle Nyanzi, a young man writing his own survey of Appendix N literature, is writing a book of his own.  As mentioned previously, I’m looking forward to seeing how a millennial approaches pulp writing.  He is a self-professed follower of the “new...

Three Body Problem

Luke Daniels read Three Body Problem to me during my daily commute, and he is an excellent narrator.  I’d have taken physical notes on his performance if I wasn’t busy driving, texting, and eating, all at the same time.  (I kid.)  As it was, I did take a lot...

Wargame Wednesday: Crisis 2000

My latest guest post over at the Castalia House blog was published today (clicky for linky).  It’s not often you see a fourth-generation wargame, and this one was published long before I had ever heard of the concept of 4th generation war.  Well worth finding and playing a few...


The major publishing houses mass produce literature that starves the soul.  It provides no nutritional value – it just shoves ideas into you with no real concern for your well being.  When you’re done, you feel like maybe you read something important, something that might have made you a better...

The Cargo Cult of New Pulp Media

Those of us laboring in the trenches to drag science fiction and/or fantasy (sf/f) literature onto a new track spent decades lost in a desert wasteland with only the occasional Cryptonomicon or Eifelheim oasis to slake our thirst.  And even those novels, great as they are, can’t hope to satisfy...

Down the Dragon Hole

Click to buy After the heavy mythic fare of Thune’s Vision, Make Death Proud to Take Us serves as a light chaser – at least the stories I’ve read from it so far. Down The Dragon Hole, by Morgon Newquist, is a fun romp of a fantasy tale featuring…well, just...

In Digital Stores Now: The King’s Dragon

If you’re not the kind of reader who pre-orders books.  Maybe you want to buy and read.  Either way, it’s cool.  You don’t have to worry about that any more, because today is the day that The King’s Dragon is available for purchase and reading in the same day....

Puppy of the Month: Nine Princes in Amber

Picture above: Frisky, Jon, and Nate It turns out Amber is a city, not a fantasy version of carbonite.  Who knew?  Before this month, not me!  We’re talking a little Zelazny over there this month, so don’t miss out.  My own brief review went up today, but you’ll want...

One for the Pulp Revolutionaries

This was over in G+, and it deserves to be shared with the wider world.  Jeffro posted this amazing quote by the space pirate Captain Jaren, of the Shibboleth, which perfectly encapsulates the feeling of Nethereal: “Our plan to liberate Tharis went down in flames, thanks to Malachi. All that’s left of...