Signal Boost: Geek Gab With Schuyler Hernstrom
Pictured above: Me I make no apologies nor excuses for being a raging Schuyler Hernstrom fanboy. (The only reason that I haven’t already read everything the man has written is that I’m savoring the wait. That, and the Puppy of the Month Book Club dictating my reading list and...
Ten Gentle Opportunities, by Jeff Duntemann
Last Friday’s post was essentially a call to arms for readers who enjoy the counter-culture movement within science fiction and fantasy to take a few risks and try novels by newer authors. It is young, this backlash against modern identitarian…stories? (It’s hard to use the term ‘stories’ when so...
The New World of Longshot Reads
A while back a guy by the name of Jeff Duntemann crossed my Twit Box path. Two tweets in he tossed me a link to a book he had written called Ten Gentle Opportunities. The plug was so natural that it made me laugh…and it made me three dollar...
The MAGA Mutual Aid Society
Living in a deep blue state carries with it a host of disadvantages that aren’t worth dwelling upon here. The deep blue denizens of my particular blue state tend to run to the more passive-aggressive end of the spectrum. Learning that a Trump supporter walks in their midst will...
I See What You Did There, Frank
Chris Cutalik runs the phenomenal D&D blog, Hill Cantons. A recent post over there featured this Frank Frazetta painting of John Carter putting the hurt on a trio of (what I think are) Black Martians. Dude. Black Martian Lives Matter. Frank Frazetta is one of my favorite artists, for...
An Amusing Amazon Recommendation
Amazon’s recommendations don’t bother me. They know what I like and have helped me find some interesting reads. This one showed up in my inbox and amused me enough to share: Yeah. Yeah, I think I might like that one. Thanks, Amazon! ...
As Goes the Lovecraft, So Goes the Hugo
Last November, the World Fantasy Award stopped using Lovecraft’s name and image for their top prize due to his disturbing tendency to engage in crimethink. What I want to know is, when will the SFWA follow suit and change the name of their trophy to something more appropriate than...
Puppy of the Month: New Post
This month we are discussing Brian Niemeier’s Nethereal over at the Puppy of the Month Book Club. My initial thoughts on the book went live yesterday. Here’s a taste: The setting of Nethereal is different. Very different. Mention has been made that it blends fantasy and science fiction in...
Grown Up Book Report: Killer’s Payoff, by Ed McBain
The last twenty years of publishing has really done a number on the second hand book market. As a kid, you couldn’t swing a dead cat in a used bookstore without hitting some high quality writing. Near as I can tell, the early Heinlein novels and Conan collections and...
Modern Sci-Fi, Why Do I Even Bother?
Overdrive is the poor man’s Audible. It’s a cell phone program that allows you to check out books from your local public library. You can even listen to audio books which you can download from Project Gutenberg’s Audio Books section or through the local library branch. The books available on Project...