Linear Bust
Finally got around to pulling the caulk based streams and rivers out of the box where they have languished the last few months. They tore. Big time. Not quite sure what went wrong. Either the caulk was too thin, or you’re not supposed to try to separate the caulk...
Fields For Battle
Yep. So. Got some paint on the farm fields. Just need some dull coat to take the shine down a notch. These fields give me three easily stored square-ish terrain blocks that will do a fine job blocking line of sight and travel times for ground pounders. This one...
First Ever Milliput Conversions
Well now, here’s a thing. Two part epoxy putty for conversions. Let’s start with something small and easy – adding helmets to armored orcs from’s Space Viking line. How hard can it be? I’ve worked with small details. I’ve spent hours working with clay. I’ve even read two...
Bio Ships with Paint
Continuing on with the bio-ship construction, we’ve got paint on the field – paint which illustrates why you have to let these ships dry before you paint them – especially if you stick extra doo-dads into the foam. Whoops. Painted too soon. Didn’t put foam on top of the...
Foam Core Cruisers
Turns out those deodorant bottles are frigates, and we’re moving on to assembling the cruisers and battleships. At least that’s the terminology for Full Thrust. The first attempt at the bigger class ships didn’t go so well. The plan was to fill odd shaped shampoo bottles with Great Stuff...
Are We Learning Yet?
This blog was supposed to keep me grounded. It’s called War In A Box for a reason – that’s supposed to remind me that I’ve got no space and that every game needs to fit into a tidy little box. The spaceship I’ve been working on is super-kewl, but...
Merry After Christmas-Sale Day!
Happy Boxing Day! In honor of whatever is those kooky Canucks celebrate today, let’s all point at Warren and laugh at how he still hasn’t learned his lesson. Remember way back earlier in the year when I spent hours building roads for Car Wars and when they done it...
Almost Awesome Storage Solution
Down to the local craft store this past weekend, looking for a small plastic box to house my Mangalorcs between games, and stumbled on this slick little number. It’s a carousel of five small boxes that detach, with a larger and deeper central bin on top. It’s only nine...
Cheese it Boys, It’s the Copse!
This looks like your normal wargame tree stand. Art posterboard cut into a circle, a few dollar store plastic trees, some rocks, sand, and paint, and it’s an instant forest. In my world it becomes a low-cost oxygen generation machine. This is designed to fit right into the heart...
Next Up on the Block
More Pendraken boys for the Kitchen Sink sci-fi extravaganza. Turns out Pendraken is revamping their sci-fi line. This first batch of dudes is Marines is SF-1, Marines in Battle Armor. Now, I was expecting something a little more like what’s shown in this picture here. What I got was...