Black Ops, Around the Horn

Welcome to another clickbait article.  This one has a lot less weird tricks and local single moms and a lot more Black Ops.  With the rules out for less than a month, there aren’t a whole lot of actual play posts around the web just yet – I haven’t...

From the Archive – The Splice

Another Saturday night, and it looks like the archives are getting to be a regular feature around here. These little critters are examples of the Space Lice you can get from Irregular Miniatures for something like a buck and half each.  Like most of Irregular’s miniatures, they look awful in...

15mm Sci-Fi Traffic Report

Scatter terrain.  You’d be hard pressed to ever have enough of it on your urban table.  Mine was sorely lacking in viable vehicles.  Matchbox cars are passable, but they just don’t tie together with the rest of the terrain.  There are a couple in this old shot, and you...

Hump Day Dump Day – Issue #3

Welcome to the weekly walk through the wargaming wilds of the world wide web, in which Warren waxes upon whatever weighty and witty works he wagers are worth your while. Would any wretch not want a window into Warren’s warm woolgathering – a wisp of what wriggles its way...

Black Ops Counter-Intuitiveness

Apparently I’m not the only one having a hard time wrapping his head around a couple of quirks of the Black Ops system.  Over on the Lead Adventure Forums asked a question that had bothered me on my first reading as well. In Black Ops your model stats are...

Black Ops: A Capsule Review

Is that what you call it when you write up a review of a game where you’ve only read the rules?  You’ll get a proper review after we’ve had a chance to take these bad boys for a test-drive. These rules are great.  in just about every sense they hit...

From the Archive – Lost in the Maze of Nostalgia

Pop quiz, hotshot.  From the Archive is an ongoing series:     A. where I show off some of my oldest and most beloved figures.     B. of filler posts.     C. Both A and B.     D. screw you. Warren, I didn’t come here for finals week, make with...

The Necromancer War, Chapter 2

When last we left the good people of the Targan Empire, their border towns and forts had been over-run by a sudden invasion of the dark forces of the nearby kingdom of the Necromancer King.  The Patriarch of the Empire, High King Sisterbanger, quickly dispatched a small delaying force...

Hump Day Dump Day, Issue #2

Gabions, everyone.  Gabions. It’s Wednesday, that time of the week when Warren steals content from other blogs gives credit to just a few of the many creative geniuses laboring around the internet to provide you with free inspiration and entertainment – it’s a random sampler of inspirtainment! War Monkey has...