From the Archive – One Gnarly Figure

Here he is, the Haunter in the Dark, the Black Pharoah himself, Nyarlathotep.  This old RAFM figure is somewhere around 15 years old, from way back when I still used those giant 25-mm figures. Most folks paint that whole big tentacle as a bloody tongue, but I think it’s...

Merry Christmas!

In this time of strife and conflict, it does a soul good to stop for a moment and reflect on God’s blessings, and the supreme gift of His only begotten son: “And behold an Angel of the Lord stood by them, and the brightness of God shone round about...

Octopod Reinforcements

Quick and dirty update.  A few months ago, I added just a couple of’s octopods to the swelling ranks of my sci-fi forces to use as civilian types.  They looked a little lonely, so I ordered up a pack of the riflemen (blasterpods?) to give me a fourteen...

Barbarian Prince, A Second Playthrough

Vassal is one of those tabletop simulators that is all the rage these days, and during the course of tinkering with it one thing led to another and the next thing I knew Cal Arath Junior had been usurped from his father’s throne.  This time around he wound up being...

Towards a Unified Theory of Wargaming Complexity

Put on your thinking man’s cap, because today we’re talking math. Earlier this week, Delta Vector (you know Delta, he runs the excellent Delta Vector blog) posted the latest installment of his in-depth analysis of wargame design, this one on the perfect number of units.   The entire series is...

From the Archive – Lizard Bastard

This bastard love child of Godzilla and Grimace goes by the exotic name of Brah’knee.  He is yet another giant monster rampage figure.  Bought for a song from the lone dealer who worked the one gaming convention that I organized while still in grad school right around the turn of...

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

JJ Abrams un-raped my childhood. Spoiler free alert: What follows are the thoughts of a middle-aged man reflecting life, film, and family more than they are thoughts on the new installment of the Star Wars franchise. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a movie.  It’s a very good movie.  JJ...

Hump Day Dump Day #7: Short and Sweet

Started a second job, so things are busier than usual.  To free up some room in the schedule, I might have announce a few layoffs in the Children Department on the home front. D&D Micro-Settings (The Dragon’s Flagon): When I think of “settings” for D&D-type games, I think of two...

One Hour Wargames: Further Thoughts

With multiple games of Neil Thomas’ One Hour Wargames under the belt, it’s time to take a more solid look at the ruleset and see how it stacks up. Spoiler alert: Pretty darn good! What makes for a good tabletop game?  Enough units to have meaningful choices.  Enough variety...

From the Archive – Ogre Cyclops

Here’s another blast from my college day past.  Just some bargain bin big old dude.  He is ostensibly a 28-mm scale figure, but he is a giant of a figure, standing close to 10-feet tall.  In scale, of course.   Captain Hook One Eye here has also seen use...