Hump Day Dump Day, Issue #2
Gabions, everyone. Gabions. It’s Wednesday, that time of the week when Warren steals content from other blogs gives credit to just a few of the many creative geniuses laboring around the internet to provide you with free inspiration and entertainment – it’s a random sampler of inspirtainment! War Monkey has...
Sci-Fi Characters – Hold the Sausage
Seems like every week miniature wargame manufacturers are adding more and more female character types to their catalogs, and 15mm figures are no exception. Today we feature a small pack of shorties from Bombshell Miniatures. They’ve got a full catalog of big figures with full figures, but just the...
From the Archive – Space Rangers
Last week was nice – showing off a couple of really old figures from the attic box. Here’s another figure from way back in the early days of painting. The chunky plastic flying the colors of my alma mater is a Space Ranger. Back in the day...
Sci Fi Bystanding Guys
Quick shot of some bystanders for 15mm sci-fi games. First up, four dudes in space suits of one sort or another. I think they are all from From left to right: ?, HOF57A, HOF86C, and HOF86C Can’t find that guy on the left anywhere on’s website,...
Hump Day Dump Day, Issue #1
Lancelot Link to the rescue!(Eureka Miniature) A few of my favorite blogs are my favorite blogs in part because from time to time they issue a post consisting entirely of pointers to other blog posts that find interesting. Those always tickle my fancy because they expose me to cool...
My New Box Set (of Terrain)
The first stage of any terrain project is planning, and for the rooftop fights and infiltrations, there won’t be any drop cloth – only the tippy-top levels of large buildings. They may be anywhere from three to fifty stories tall. The precise height doesn’t really matter since we’re only...
Happy Halloween!
Have some eye-candy in the form of a couple of seasonal shots from the archive. Painted these guys a good decade ago. These are just a couple of the very few figures that managed to survive the Second Great Sell-Off. These are so old I can’t even remember who made...
The Lead Pile Groweth
Just when you think you’ve got it all under control…one of your dealers stops by to, you know, just to say, “Hey man, got some good stuff here. Whattaya into man?” In this case my dealer would be old Gavin Syme over at, which is fast becoming by...
Rooftop Inspiration
Been daydreaming about a new Big Box of terrain specifically for the infiltration missions that are an expected part of Osprey’s Black Ops rules. The top of one building – maybe two connected by multiple walkways or leapable gaps – should be plenty big enough for a stealth mission....
Grand Wargaming Strategy, Part the Second
Is it too early for a New Year’s Resolution? While deep in the throes of last post’s naval gazing, my subconscious maundering was given a second kick in the short pants by Oldben1. Over on a thread he started on the Lead Adventure Forums he asked for ideas on...