Moldvay Gems

The cool kids all seem to be raving about the offerings over at, especially the Moldvay edition of Basic D&D.  Being the tech savvy luddite that I am, I scored a hard copy of those rules via eBay. As is the custom, having read these rules cover to...

AAR: The Necromancer’s End, Part 2

To recap:  Our humble and noble Necromancer was passing innocently through a pleasant wooded glade when he was viciously accosted by a troop of inbred and illiterate ogres.   The Necromancer, his assistant, and his skeletal party were heading south through the forest as shown here. The ugly ogres...

AAR: The Necromancer Meets A Grisly End

Tonight saw the Abox clan rip off a quick game of Song of Blades and Heroes, our first proper game of the fantasy flavor of Ganesha Games’ lineup.  Everyone got involved, even the baby.  How’s that for a thin excuse to bore you with baby pictures?  Hey, she’s holding...

A Song of Crack and Meth

In an effort to play more games with the limited collection of painted figures that I have ready now*, I’ve been dabbling in Ganesha Games’ Song of… series of rules.  The results were cautiously optimistic. After a bit more faffing about the internet, it looks more and more like...

Quick Size Comparison

A while back I posted my 15mm sci-fi dwarf army which features a pair of heavy power armor troops.  The main force is composed of rebel miniatures with a few figs for a command squad.  The power armor consists of Hasslefree’s 15mm Grymn figures.  Now you can buy...

Mutant Test Drive

It’s hard to be a middle-aged wargamer who doesn’t own a table.  Living in limbo while searching for a decent place to live forced your humble host to choose between comfort (a sofa) and utility (a table).  Comfort won in a landslide.  Tonight, though, tonight things worked out such that...

(Finally) Back to the Dungeon

Over a year ago, I showed you lot a map of my version of the Lost Temple of Laun Phien (link), and we finally got around to playing through it.  Last night a small but plucky crew headed out into the grasslands to explore/loot the haunted barrow mound of...

First Ever Milliput Conversions

Well now, here’s a thing.  Two part epoxy putty for conversions.  Let’s start with something small and easy – adding helmets to armored orcs from’s Space Viking line.  How hard can it be?  I’ve worked with small details.  I’ve spent hours working with clay.  I’ve even read two...

Boring Update – Hedges

Meh.  As far as terrain goes, this is nothing special.  Just some green scrubbers clipped, mounted, and painted up with yellow highlights.  They’re a bit small, even for 15mm, so we’re looking at soft cover, minor effects on movement.   If you really need a joke, feel free to...

Space Dwarf Platoon

Thirty infantry and two light mechs.  That’s a good sized force for a game.  In addition to the mechs, this force has six heavy weapon troops, four squad leaders, and a platoon leader. Thinking about it, one of those three rifleman attached to the command squad would make a...