Spaceship Detailing While You Wait
These photos may not look all that different from yesterday’s, but they show a three-hour effort to seal up and streamline Major Tom’s Rocket. A whole bunch of cereal box cut into 5mm side strips have been plastered to every piece of exposed foam-core to allow for spray painting...
Calling Major Tom
It’s time for a big reveal of a little ship. My latest and greatest project was partially inspired by the guys over on pimping Pocketmunda and partially inspired by the pictures inside the Starship Marine rules (pdf warning). What you’re looking at here is a starship that cost...
New Project, New Scale, Old Habits
It’s time for a new project, and maybe a new scale. The size and cost and ease of storage of the 10mm boys is great, but there are a lot of fun little 15mm troops out there, too. Most of the games I play are more skirmish and having...
FUBAR Ruminations
Woah, four posts in four days, this blog just might be back. It’s amazing how much more time a guy has when he’s not coaching his daughter’s soccer team to a league championship. That’s right, I know how to coach soccer – the secret is inheriting kids from other...
These Rules Are FUBAR
Last night, the boy and I headed down to the weekly game night and threw together a quick test drive of the FUBAR rules. For those of you who don’t know, FUBAR is a free, one-page, sci-fi set of rules from Gawd ‘Elp Us Games. As a one page...
Free To A Good Home
And by free, I mean “you pay shipping.” I’ve got half a box of 2omm plastic militia types gathering dust in my bits box. Long time readers may remember them from the Car Wars project. I hate to throw them out, but I’m too lazy to even count them,...
MegaDungeon Assault
Saturday night seven brave souls set out from the village whose name we forgot and couldn’t find because I lost the wilderness maps to make a second assault on the Temple of Evil contained within The Dungeon. Two new hardy adventurers joined in the fun, a pair of elven...
Happy Halloween
Heavy Marine Support
This is Pendraken’s new style for Marines with Heavy Weapons (SF3). Those assistants might make decent noncoms or other officers. Might have to assign a couple of regular troops to serve as assistant gunners are re-position these pointers as LTs. Snipers! This pack comes with five teams of snipers,...
Next Up on the Block
More Pendraken boys for the Kitchen Sink sci-fi extravaganza. Turns out Pendraken is revamping their sci-fi line. This first batch of dudes is Marines is SF-1, Marines in Battle Armor. Now, I was expecting something a little more like what’s shown in this picture here. What I got was...