Tomorrow’s War AAR: Test Drive

Took the Tomorrow’s War ruleset for a little test drive over the Labor Day Weekend, and figured what I haven’t figured out.  Now I know what sections of the rulebook need a good re-reading.  Here are some quick notes on the game. I have 20 each of the lizardmen...

Flashback Update

Remember way back when I first posted the construction of these bunkers? Yeah… Since I ran out of figures, I went ahead and painted them up....

Size Matters Plus

Here’s a comparative shot of each of the different types of figures in my sci-fi collection. It’s worth seeing how they all stack up against each other. Action shot!  The lizards are caught by the human marines in a classic pincer movement.  Finally got around to getting the BNL...

Empty Queue

What kind of terrible wargamer am I?  These mounted lizardmen represent the last of the figures waiting to be painted.  At this rate, I may have to resort to painting more of my son’s figures.  These are the kinds of problems you want to have. It’s hard to get...

Lizard Cavalry

Figuring out how to stat these dinosaur riding, laser cannon wielding lizards is gonna be a whole lot of fun. SF28 – Mounted lizardmen with laser weapons And again with an enemy and ally for scale....

Cut to the Scaly Chase

Surprise!  Finished lizardmen.  I forgot to post the unpainted versions of these little critters.  Whoops.  We’re looking at four  orders of Pendraken’s Lizardmen with Laser Weapons (SF27).  Each pack comes with five figures, two of the ones shown in the first photo and three of the ones shown in the...

Space Cows!

Behold!  Cows…in…Spaaaaaace! These are Pendraken’s SF36, “Minotaur with Heavy Weapon”, but they look like space cows to me. The guy in the center has sergeant stripes and white hair, just in case I need a sarge for future rulesets. This one’s for the ladies? The figures tower over human...

On Transports

I erred in the pursuit of making this sci-fi extranganza as portable as possible.  The terrain boards took up too much space in the box, leaving me with little left over for a figure box.  Then I found these: Four small craft boxes at the local craft store (Ben...

New and Improved Aliens

To refresh your memory, these aliens were originally painted with a bright shaded to dark, and it really didn’t work.  I hit them with a thin Devlan Mud wash, and that helped, but these critters needed another dusting of bright green highlight and bone white spine to polish them...

Awful Green Thing Repair

It’s amazing how starting to train for a marathon (told you I was a beast), finding out your wife is expecting a new baby, and getting transferred to a new office in the company that means a 20% cut in hours and pay will interfere with miniature wargaming, isn’t...