Dollar Trees

Not the stores, the miniature wargaming product that you can find in the diorama section of hobby and craft stores.  Ten sturdy plastic trees for around twelve dollars ain’t a bad price. Check out this little gem: Toob Trees – 10 hard plastic trees for ten bucks. The scale...

One Ring to Bind Him

Taking another day off to thank the wife for marrying me on this date 14 all too short years ago.  Back with a cheap and easy forest tomorrow....

D&D w/Porn Stars Challenge: Complete!

Zak S over at D&D With Porn Stars unilaterally designated today International Anklebiter Illustrator Day.  In honor of this fine day I commissioned the illustrious and illustratory Lenore (age 7) to produce two pieces of illustration, one a scene from our current Rules Compendium Campaign, and the other the requisite displacer beast....

Anklebiter Sneak Peak

You haven’t forgotten about International Anklebiter Illustrator Day, right?  It’s tomorrow.  Zak S is hosting it, and I’m participating by submitting a couple of illustrations crayoned by my seven year old daughter.  She submitted the artwork on time, but it won’t be published until tomorrow.  In the meantime, I’ve...

More Monsters

More Pendraken: DN60 – Frost Troll Didn’t think I’d paint these guys blue – figured that shaggy trolls could be any color at all.  But I wanted to test a few figures with straight drybrushing instead of that dark wash.  They look a lot cleaner and brighter.  Still love...

The Dungeon: Level 9 – Forge of the Fire Giants

The Pool of Fire has been commandeered by a larger than usual Fire Giant, named whatever you need him to be named, and his three young apprentices.  These black stone caverns have high vaulted ceilings that allow the giants and their phoenix pet plenty of room to stretch.  The...


Let’s take a look at Pendraken’s Troll offerings.  I finally remembered to include a coin for scale – my apologies to those of you who don’t use American currency as a point of reference.  I’ve also included one of Copplestone’s not-Lord of the Rings human characters for scale as...

Happy Brithday D&D

Today is the day WotC releases the open playtest for the first iteration of the fifth edition of D&D.  In my experience, Dungeons and Dragons follows the inverse Star Trek movie rule – skip the even numbered ones, because the odd numbered ones are much more fun.  I’ve only vaguely followed the...

Birthday Off

Today is my wife’s birthday.  That means it’s time for a day off from the blog.  You’ll get more megadungeon goodness tomorrow, though....

More Bash for Your Cash

Every time a new package comes in the mail, it reminds me of why I love love love working in 10mm.  This load of guys right here cost me about twenty bucks: Twenty-seven figures.  Or I could have had five GW figures.  Good luck stocking a dungeon at those prices....