Song of Drums and Shakos – First Runthrough

 It works! I was afraid it wouldn’t.  My experiments with Flying Lead weren’t a lot of fun.  They power of modern weapons meant that the games bogged down into two static lines blazing away at each other with little motion or forward progress. Needs more flags Fortunately, the Napoleonics...

Confederacy Ascendant

Been thinking about A Confederacy of Dunces a lot lately. For those who haven’t read it, this picaresque novel by John Kennedy Toole is about a bona-fide dyed-in-the-wool gamma male who bumbles his way through life. He is the kind of guy who goes to movies specifically to hate on...

2mm Gamers Rise Up!

Is something of a 2 mm Renaissance is in the air these days? Or maybe it’s just observer bias – that I notice more 2mm projects because I myself am working on 2mm projects. Whatever the case, if you’re interested in 2 mm projects have I got a doozy...

Shots From the Long Hunt

Four heroes wade into the stinking mire of the great swamp. Follow the full action here.  This was the fourth mission in a “Nightwatch” campaign, a solo wargame that uses tower-defense style design to keep the player on his toes.  Waves of enemies every round force some difficult choices...

Shots Fired!

Related to yesterday’s post regarding people who have been playing AD&D wrong for decades – a club of which I was a solid member of for decades myself – Jeffro offers up a little look at what we’ve all been doing wrong for lo these many years: Why this...

Not the Flex You Think It Is

Continuing thoughts about Rule Zero and yesterday’s post about Theseus’ RPG. Item #1: If you only ever used a third of a game, have you ever really played the game?  You might have been playing something, but was it really the game you say it is?  How much of...

Rule Hero > Rule Zero

 The problem with Rule Zero: Is not that it isn’t true, it’s that it guards an army of lies. How many planks can you remove from AD&D before you’re not really playing AD&D any more? No one talks about this....

Lake Sambee Post Mortem

Sometimes the best way to fight…is not to fight at all.  Today we’re talking about some painful lessons learned from a game of 2 x 2 Napoleonics.  It has taken me an embarrassingly long time to get a handle on how to work this ruleset. In the Battle of...

Counterpart: An Early and Hesitant Recommendation

You guys might like this one. The marketing kind of kills a big reveal – suprise! there’s an alternate earth and our main character’s double shows up in “our” timeline to wreak havoc.  J. K. Simmons plays two very different Howard Silk’s – one casual and friendly if a...

Chainmail’s 50th Anniversary – A Video

This makes for a good watch. A lovely little glimpse into the wargaming world of the midwest in the late 1960s. Out of this culture, and countless others littered across the anglosphers, was spun the tabletop RPG community. It’s a quick watch at just over 22 minutes, and includes...