War In The Vendee
Laisez faire, pour le roi und dieux. And the baddies. ...
My Dream Game – Early Stages and Advice Needed
I’m looking to recruit a few friends to play national leaders and strategic commanders of a continental scale game. I’m getting into horse and musket for the first time ever, and it’s long been a dream of mine to play an actual campaign with more depth than a narrative...
Tiny Turns
These N-scale turn templates from Litko should work fine for my 6mm Gaslands game. It is a little bit, but we can make it work....
The Littlest Gaslands
Picked up a batch of the “Mad Ron” road warrior vehicles from Irregular Miniatures on a whim. Just look at these tiny little knights of the road: Still have to paint those motorcycles, and the big dang semi-trailer slash war-rig. The good news is that terrain is already done. ...
Wretched Son
Been teasing this new release for a while, and so it is with great pleasure that I introduce you to my latest creation: Wretched Son. It’s a different sort of post-apocalyptic story of muscle cars and fortress towns and little enclaves fighting to survive on the edge of the...
It’s a Riot!
Matt Hartley’s Riot! Revolting People from Watt Tyler to Watts is an interesting wargame. It’s a truly fourth-generational game in which mobs of outgunned citizens try to effect change against a far better armed, but outnumbered, army of the ruling class. Enjoy some eye candy while I pontificate. Alert readers...
Dave Made A Maze
Got a weird one for you. A film in which Dave builds a cardboard maze in his living room while his girlfriend is gone for the weekend, and then gets stuck inside and needs to be rescued. The story opens with her disbelief at the mess he made, and...
Hello, Not Helping Department?
We’ve got a call from the USPS on line one: That is roughly 100 million more ballots than there are eligible voters in these United States of America. If you’re delivering that many ballots in October and November, then we’ve got bigger issues than your delivering capactiy. This is...
Halfling Upgrade, Livestock, and More
Just added some odds and ends to the 15mm fantasy toolbox. These are all from Irregular Miniatures. Let us start with some wildlife and a hapless porter making 1gp a day hauling too much gear down into dank holes filled with monsters. A bit of food and somebody to...
Civic Improvements
It’s the little things. A little bit of Saturday evening traffic, a little bit of grass, a few scattered bits of terrain, and suddenly you’re looking at a real city. The Irregular Miniatures 6mm vehicle pack is a perfect start to things, and includes the entire front line shown...