Ford v. Ferrari – Hard Recommend

Movie of the year. Being of the “don’t give money to people what hates ya” variety, I don’t watch many films these days.  Being not very good at it, I watch a few, and those only after advisement from people I trust.  The good guys over at Geek Gab...

Neon Harvest: Cover Reveal

Newsletter subscribers saw this a while ago. Now it’s the rest your turn to take a gander at the cover for my next novel. What if the nineties lasted forever? One man’s search for meaning in the high-contrast heart of a day-glo city goes awry when his client’s wife...

A Bridge to Tradition

Have you ever asked a bridge player to explain the rules to the game to you? They can’t do it. I’ve asked a dozen of them, and they are constitutionally incapable of simply laying out the rules of the game.  They always tell you one rule, then explain the...

Passing Thoughts on The Boogaloo

This can’t go on forever.  As we approach the tipping point, the zeitgeist has shifted from thinking about the next Big Crunch as solely the realm of the paranoid and the conspiracy addled.  Many culture warriors seem to relish the idea of a big reset as a means of...

Seagull on the Transom

Newsletter subscribers! Check your spam folders. The first four chapters of my next novel, Neon Harvest, have just gone live.  You’ll find downloadable links, the release schedule, and more, in the latest edition of Seagull on the Transom. Download a copy and take it for a test spin before you...

A Barnes and Ignoble Moment

By now the immediacy of the Barnes and Noble failed experiment of woke-casting classical literature has faded.  These non-troversies rise and fall so fast it can be hard to keep up, so let’s have a quick recap courtesy of Penguin Random House and Barnes and Noble: To kick off...

Home Essentials

Don’t really care if essential oils work as promised or not. When you live in the tropics and your thermostat entirely consists of opening or closing windows, scented candles are useless.  Particularly when you live near the top of a valley and get nice cooling breezes on a regular...

Don’t Tell The Wife

She doesn’t realize that the more time I spend around rugged men, the more I appreciate the big damn dog she insisted we get.  She might not appreciate the way their awful example leads me to make decidedly un-PC pronouncements about the one gender in this world*.  Or my...

Inverting Inversion to Maintain Power

“What does the clown do when the whole world is a carnival? How do you make someone laugh when the entire world is a joke? That’s the world we’re living in.” Jonathan Pageau, ladies and gentlemen, asking the questions that you never knew you were burning to have answered. ...

Jump the Shark and The Death of Arthur

The independent literary revolution sparked by the rise of the Amazon Juggernaut has largely focused on adult fare. Not adult fare in the pornographic sense, but adult fare in the ‘reading level and philosophically sophisticated sense’. You can’t swing a dead cat around the Amazon algorithm without hitting an...