Lone Wolves and Mass Combat

Recent experiments with mass combat run using AD&D as written have been wildly successful, even as they open up new avenues of exploration. Which is a fancy and nigh-journalistic way of saying that, after two battles, a glaring hole in my understanding has been exposed. On the matter of using...


It’s been almost 6 months since I joined the cyclops faction. I still have no depth perception, so I started by painting  something easy. Two tone ruins. Hard to screw that up.  A few miniature wargamers offered me encouragement, guys who have also suffered the loss of vision in...

Dungeon Design Training Wheels

This is an idea so brilliant, I wish I lacked the morals to claim it as my own. The power of Appendix A never ceases to amaze. Give any reasonably intelligent kid a couple run throughs of the Dungeon of Rando Death to Randos, and they will assuredly start...

D0rf Fortressing

We needed a full roster of the dwarves of Romek Zoden.  Fortunately for us, the Monster Manual provides us with some guidance.  I’ve already pushed out a YuTuub Short detailing the process, so let me just hit you with the high points. The base number of dwarves (4d10 x 10)...

AD&D Weapon Versus AC Adjustment

AD&D’s weapon versus AC adjustment table is the online recipe of tabletop RPGs.  Everybody that talks about it wants to talk around it. Or talk about their houserules. Or talk about people talking about it.  Or talk about how they calculated them better than Gary. Or sell you on...

TPK Blues

As it happens, nine first level PCs are no match for nineteen orcs, even if those orcs are dressed in fancy pants and poofy shirts. Particularly when those orcs are armed with polearms, backed by an effective leader, and on high alert. Yesterday’s delve (check the date on this...

Dungeon Design and Surprising Yourself

I’m sorry, what’s that, Gary? Don’t I tried this at home kids. In the Wolflands, while delving the local megadungeon, our intrepid heroes ran into three encounters with orc patrols. Those kinds of numbers indicate something interesting is going on. To explain the streaky nature of things, we decided...

Can’t Counter a Plan That Doesn’t Exist

Understanding and utilizing the principles of solo RPG play can have enormous positive impacts on your face-to-face (digital or meatspace) team-oriented RPG experiences. For one of the best examples that I have read on the subject, turn your browser to BDubs and Dragons.  The man has a gift for...

The Solo (Not Quite) AD&D Fire Still Rises

A new Challenger enters the lists! A Prince of Parma, who I’m pretty sure comments on my vidjas has taken up the solo wargaming gauntlet with the devil of his own, this time into ACKs.  Even better, he is documenting his Campaign on Cosoricalta in long form blog posts!...

The Solo AD&D Fire Rises

It turns out I’m not the only one playing AD&D solo these days. I’m not even the only one with a blog discussing the results of my solo play. Today I present to you “Fort Cranium“, a newish quick recommendation today.  He started with a 5×5 map of 30...