Candyland 2.0
Late last year I tried to turn my four year old daughter into a proper hex-and-counter wargamer by running her through the first few scenarios of Advanced Squad Leader, but she just cannot ever remember to pop smoke before rushing a full squad through a lane open to fire...
Four by Twenty Figures
Last post I showed you my current project’s status. For those new to Chateau Abox, I’m building four identical game sets, so that I can do some online wargaming with a tactical component. If you ain’t pushing lead, you ain’t miniature wargaming, after all. By using 10mm figures already in hand,...
Because You Can Never Have Too Much Cirsova
It’s that time of year again! Time to subscribe to one of the best short fiction magazines on the market today. Cirsova once again is offering digital subscriptions to the two issues slated for release in 2018. At $10 each for the print copies, this is an incredible bargain for what...
Stop Supporting Your Enemies
Yesterday Brian Niemeier dropped an epic post about Fifth Columnists that is well worth taking the time to read. Zeroing in on the most important bit: Don’t GIVE money to people who hate you. Don’t give MONEY to people who hate you. Don’t give money to people who HATE you....
A Hill Worth Dying On
Banged out four quick hills this weekend. Two layers of 1/2-inch foamcore shaved to size, mounted on useless CDs, and covered with PVC glue and sand makes for an impressive height on which to fight. Generally, I prefer to make my hills gentle so that figures can stand anywhere on them. This...
Planetary Defense Awards – 2017 Ballot
January means that it’s time to start thinking about awards season. And when it comes to sci-fi, the hot new award on the block is the Planetary Awards. This year, I’m going to go with “The Last American” for the short category. Schuyler Hernstrom’s poignant and rambunctious kitchen-sink adventure complete...
The Backlog – Fat and Happy
The year of our Lord 2017 was a banner year for the #PulpRev crowd. In addition to picking up a lot of new talent, and a lot of established talent, the Bad Kids Table in the sci-fi cafeteria produced more great content than one man could possibly read. After...
Wargaming Wednesday Returns!
In an outreach effort dedicated to reaching out (hence the name) to more non-wargamers, I’ve resumed posting about wargames at the Castalia House blog. Each Wednesday, the publisher’s blog features a post related to wargames called, not surprisingly, Wargames Wednesday. I share duties with a number of other smart...
Four Times the Fun
I lied. In my last post, I promised a big new project for 2018, but after a conversation with a good friend, I tabled that big complex for something a little more intimate and a lot more likely to see some actual gaming time. Behold! The start...
Happy Swaggy New Year!
Happy New Year, readers mine! Take a gander over there on the right sidebar and you’ll see a place to enter your email to sign up for my newsletter. It’s a short and infrequent affair, but it’s the best place to keep up with what I’ve been writing and...