More Monsters

More zombies!  This brings the total population of zombies in the dungeon to seven, not a bad little number.  These guys have great hair, too! Undead fist bump! Castle Meatgrinder has a rodent problem.  In addition to the swarms of rats that prowl the halls, the steady drip of chaos...

Cultural Processes and the Pulp Revolution

Recently, the Russian Orthodox Church’s Patriarch Kirill spoke out in support of the Pulp Revolution, the Superversive Movement, and the various stripes of Puppies.  Not in so many words, but his heart is with us.  Naturally, in their interview, Russia Today didn’t explicitly ask the Patriarch what he thought of...

Writing Circle Jerks

Most people in most writing circles are jerks.  Allow me to demonstrate:   This crossed my Twitter transom, and it took a Herculean effort and some serious teeth gritting to let it slide on down out of the bottom of my feed without a direct response.  So much of...

Miniature Monday: Twin Fighters

When you order a pair of random packs of adventurers from, you run the risk of finding a few doubles in your bags. Good.  That’s what creativity is for. A little paint, scrape off a gubbin here or there, and your twins might look a lot alike, but...

Quick Hits: Woke Kids

This is going to sound like one of those fake “my woke eight year old asked me,” things that has littered the twit box of late.  It’s really not.  I take full credit for raising my daughter right.  My twelve year old daughter has my genes and she has my...

On Elves: Idle Thoughts With No Conclusion

 Happy Thanksgiving!  I’m grateful you’re all along for this ride.  It’s been fun. Part of my decision to eschew post-1985 versions of D&D is the sheer blandness of it’s creativity.  The most recent title by Wizards of the Coast, Volo’s Guide to Something or other, includes a host of...

Lessons Learned From King Conan

This isn’t something that I set out to do.  One of the sellers at a recent Toy Fair had cheap copies of old Conan comics available, so I took a flyer and picked up a series of five of them.  I’ve been on a Howard kick lately, and have...

Miniature Monday: Barbaric!

Shorty on the right is probably just a vanilla fighter, but next week you’ll see why I put him in this photo with the big hairies.  The middle guy just screams Fafhrd, and the guy on the left in full breastplate and fur loincloth amuses me – he straddles...

It’s Not Just You

Pictured above: Not me and my brother. This past week I sent an email out to my closest friends and family announcing my entry into the world of self-publishing.  This represents my ‘coming out of the pulp closet’ to people in meat-space.  This doesn’t include the meat-sticks that sleep...

Cirsova, The Cover Art

Four covers by Jabari Weather As warned previously, the covers of Cirsova magazine are worth a look.  We’re going to punt on the special edition cover featuring a pair of GamerGate heroes in a classic Frazetta pose.  That was a nice nod to the troops on the front lines...