More Heroic Dudes

This last collection represents the last heroes from (plus the second Halfling from Irregular Miniature’s 6mm line).  All that’s left now is the wild elves from Ral Partha Europe, and we’ll have all seven character classes available for the party.   ...

The Lost Castle

You might think you’re done with sprawling multi-volume works of fiction, but if you’re the sort to read 30+ books per year – and since you’re reading this blog it’s a safe bet you are – then you know full well you can run but not escape falling into...

Christmas Come Early, or Come on In, The Water’s Fine

Come on in! Jeffro Johnson, the editor over at the Castalia House blog just published his year-end retrospective of the best book bloggers of 2016, and it turns out your host made the list.  I won’t spoil the surprise for those of you who haven’t read that post yet....

Quick Notes on Random Heroics

Here’s a shot with a dwarf so you can see the relative size differences between human males, females, dwarves, and halflings.  As mentioned earlier, the humans here are, the dwarf is Ral Partha Europe, and the halfling is Irregular 6mm.  As you can see, it’s a good spread....

Available for Pre-Order: Sorcerer’s Serpent

“Jon’s writing is lean and mean, Chuck Norris meets Hemingway.”      – Schuyler Hernstrom, author of Thune’s Vision Great news for those of you waiting for the third installment in the Five Dragons series of novellas!  The Sorcerer’s Serpent will be available for purchase this Friday, December 16th.  For those who can’t...

Mondy Miniatures: Random Heroics

Still working to get the last of the necessary figures ready for Castle Meatgrinder.  It’s going to be a largely procedurally generated dungeon heavy on the wandering monsters and set-pieces and light on the railroad tracks.  This should be the last batch of heroes, aside from the elven warband. ...

Dipping a Toe in the #NewPulp Waters

You may have noticed that I talk a big game.  Well, over on twitter, Barry Reese called me out.  When I opined in 140 characters or less that the New Pulp writers trade on the term pulp by slapping on the chrome while the Pulp Revolution focusses on the...

Three Rooms

The map of Castle Meatgrinder has been done for months, but there are enough empty rooms in its halls to allow for a few more rooms with interactive elements.  The crypts needed a little bit of furniture, and makes these nice little crypts:    They also sell...

The Pulp Clique

Grab me by the neck, push me into the stall, and threaten me with a humiliation shampoo and toilet water rinse, and I’ll admit to being a member of the Pulp Revolution.  But I may not be a very good member, because I’m not all that interested in which...

Miniature Monday: The Bard

He’s not Shakespeare, but given the old school rules that I use for my games don’t even have “Bard” as a class.  Yes, your thief can carry a guitar, that’s a 25 coin encumbrance hit.  He came with the pack, and it adds a nice touch of flavor for...